Katie Harvey

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Cheryl's POV -

The rest of the morning passed by peacefully. I had all the lessons with Lily, and we had fun hanging out. The trouble came at lunchtime. Me and Lily were sitting by the dork table, which so far consists of Cheryl Payne (it gives me thrills just to say my last name. PAYNE.) and Lillian Avery. Yeah, we're so unpopular no one even wants to sit with us, but I don't mind.

Nothing else really matters when I have a best friend with me. Yes, best friend. Me and Lily really clicked. Lily doesn't have any other friends, so it's just me and her. I'm perfectly fine with that. I'd rather be friends with a so-called loser than those stupid 'Populars'.

Katie and her puppets just sicken me. They're always twirling their hair around their fingers and giggling at everything a cute boy says. Every time they go to the bathroom, they re-apply lip gloss and blow kisses at their own reflection. Seriously, when that guy Julian something walks past, they are flirty with a capital F.

Anyways, Lily and I were just eating our cheeseburger and minding our own business, when Katie slashed to our table and pointed her manicured nail at me.

"Hey, you, Cheryl Payne, I know who you are." She said. "I know your mother was my dad's sister. We know how you and your brother started the fire in the house that night. We know how you accidentally-on-purpose killed your parents off. You watch out, because we'll get you back. So there."

She smirked at me before sashaying back to her table, laughing with her puppets as if her conversation with me didn't occur.

I stared after her for a few seconds, completely blown off by what she said. Her dad was my mom's brother? I knew that my mom had a brother, but we never met. And what she said about me killing my parents? Nonsense. But what she said at the end scared me.

They'd get me back? She sounded serious. I was in trouble now. Big time.

"Hello?" Lily waved her hand in front of my face, looking at me with eyes as big as saucers. "You did what? And you're related to Katie? Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not, Lily." I laughed shakily. "I would never accidentally-on-purpose kill my parents, no matter how much I hated them. And I didn't know I was related to Katie."

"But wait a second." Lily said, looking confused. "Sorry to say, but if your parents are dead, then how are you here? And you have a brother?"

"I got adopted," I explained to her. "And yes, I have a brother. He is my twin, but I don't know where he is. He got adopted before me by a different family."

"Oh my gosh!" Lily shrieked. "My best friend is related to my worst enemy? This world is not working properly!"

"I know," I said. "And you heard what she said? She said she'll get me back. I think she meant it."

"This is so scary!" Lily said. "It's like something in a movie! She might kill you or something! What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." I said, rubbing my forehead.

"You should trash her locker first thing tomorrow." Lily said, looking important "Show her that you're not a loser and you'll not die without a fight."

I looked at her, shaking my head.

"Oh, and maybe you should make a slogan or something, like those rebel calls during the American civil war." She added as an afterthought.

"Lily, you don't understand how serious this is." I told her. "It's not just a game. I remember how my mom used to talk about how violent her brother was, even worse than my dad himself, which is saying something. And he might hurt my adoptive family, like revenge or something! I can't let that happen!"

"Oh." Said Lily, looking genuinely worried. "Could you and your adoptive family immigrate somewhere far, far away? Like the North Pole or something?"

I blinked at her. I wasn't sure whether she was joking or not.

"Never mind, Lily, I'll figure something out myself." I threw the remainder of my cheeseburger in the bin, because I had no appetite left, and went to the library.

I wandered among the shelves of books, thinking. I was sure Katie meant business. She might not hurt me physically, but her dad, a.k.a. my uncle might. I couldn't let them hurt the boys. I'll just have to hide from Katie from now on. Ugh. I had imagined my first day of school to be terrible, but not terrible in this way. Looking on the bright side though, I've made one awesome friend.

Speaking of which, I must've been such a bad friend, leaving Lily alone in the cafeteria. I hurried off to the next lesson, Biology, and saw Lily already in the lab.

"Hey." I said, slipping in the seat next to hers. "Sorry for running off just now, I just needed some time to think."

"It's OK." Said Lily. "So, what's your plan? Are you gonna immigrate somewhere?"

"Nope." I replied. "The only plan I have right now is to avoid Katie."

"Good plan, works with me too." Lily commented, taking her notebook out and drawing stars on it.

We stopped chatting then, because the teacher just walked into the room.

I need to talk to the boys.


Hey there happy ppl!

The question for this chapter is:

Name the one person you hate.

Haha...This will be fun!

Don't forget to






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