Silent Treatment

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Cheryl's POV-

I woke up at the ringing of my alarm clock, feeling rather weird. My head was throbbing and my eyes felt sore. I racked my brain, and suddenly the events of last night flooded back.

Boarding school. All those tears. No wonder I was feeling terrible. I glanced at the clock. It was still early in the morning. I just remembered that it was a school day. I had no memory of setting the alarm last night, so one of the boys must have snuck in last night to set it for me.

Were they being ‘I’m-so-nice-please forgive-me’ or ‘I-really-still-care-about you’? Judging by the way they were acting in the past few days, probably the former.

I hauled myself out of bed, and sleepily started to dress myself. My stomach was still giving me sudden pains that made me need to sit down, but other than that, I was fine. I was strong enough to go to school. Being at school would make the silent treatment easier.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and just put on the first sweater I could find and a pair on high-waist jeans. For shoes, I just slipped on my white high tops. The complete I-couldn’t-care-less outfit. Fits my mood. Kinda.

I went down stairs tentatively, hearing movements from the kitchen. I went in there quietly, poured myself some cereal and sat down to eat it.

“Hey.” Niall said softly, sitting himself across from me. “Are you talking to me?”

I shook my head. He nodded, and went back to his cereal with a sad face.

“Cheryl.” It was Liam. “I spent the whole night yesterday thinking of other plans to keep you safe but let you stay with us at the same time. But this is still the best plan I could think of, and you could still get good education in that boarding school. Please forgive me, I already tried my best.”

My heart softened and I wanted to tell him I appreciated his effort, but managed to stop myself just in time. I shrugged nonchalantly. Liam frowned and went out of the kitchen without another word.

“Good morning, baby.” Harry came in an engulfed me in a hug. “Enjoying your cereal then? I love you!”

I nodded awkwardly. Eventually, he let go of me. I quickly finished the rest of my cereal and started towards the front door.

“Wait, where are you going?” I looked back, astonished.

It was Zayn. Yes, awake at this time in the morning. He had socks in one hand and a comb in another, trying to multitask. “You can’t go to school on your own! What if your uncle is there again? Wait for a few minutes, I’ll drive you to school.”

I waited, just so he wouldn’t have woken up early for nothing. It surprised me, Zayn being caring enough to wake up early just to take me to school. But again, why would such a caring person be sending me to boarding school?

“Come on, Cheryl.” Zayn said a few minutes later, his hair in that perfect quiff and socks on his feet. He grabbed the car keys and walked out, and I followed behind him. He started the car, and tried to make a normal conversation with me. But he was only talking to himself. I remained silent all the way.

“How’s school?” He asked as he drove the car down the driveway. “Katie still bothering you?”

I shrugged. Katie was in the back of my head now. It seemed ages since her dad had stabbed me.

“How’s your schoolwork then? Your teacher said you’re very bright. That’s why she suggested the exchange program for you. That boarding school in America is more challenging. It’ll be a good experience for you.”

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