5 Seconds of...Screaming?

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Cheryl's POV -

The week was gone with nothing special.

Katie just glared at me in the hallways daily and I also caught site of my uncle more than 1 time. But he didn't take any step towards me. So far, so good.

It's Saturday afternoon and I am home alone because the boys needed to go to a meeting with their management. They said they can postpone it to other time, but I didn't wanted them to postpone something with their management because of me.

After an hour of convincing in the morning to a very concerned Liam, he let me be.

Zayn also gifted me the rest of the Harry Potter series this week, and now I'm on the third book, Prisoner of Azkaban, reading it in my book.

The boys would be home any moment now and my homework was completed, so I can spend the rest of the day with them.

I heard the main door open, signaling the boys were home. I hopped out of my bed to go down and meet the boys.

But as I was gonna start descending the stairs, I stopped.

I could hear voices downstairs, and what scared me the most is that, they were not my boys.

Oh god, who is here?!

I could hear three to four different voices, each of them having an accent.

Slowly, I started backing away.

What if my uncle had sent this people to kidnap me?

What if the boys' management somehow found about me, and now they are taking me far away from here?

What if--

But I didn't got the time to think next. Accidentally, I knocked over two brooms that were stood by the wall and they crashed down on the floor with much noise.

Oh shit.

The voices had stopped now, probably hearing this noise.

"You heard that noise?! Somebody is upstairs!"

"No shit Sherlock! But who is it? The boys were still leaving the meeting."

"Who is there?"

"Like they're going to reply to you. I'm going to check upstairs."

Without thinking, I jumped over the two fallen brooms, ran the whole hallway, and hide myself in a broom closet at the end.

Now to be quiet.

It was uncomfortable here, dark and full of brooms, feeling if I had a wand I would just cast the spell Lumos and light it up. But right now, I shouldn't be complaining.

I felt around me with my hands and caught something fluffy and soft on a upper shelf.

Are these the towels Ruby brought?

These are so soft and good that Liam said we should keep them for guests.

Well, he did a very good job hiding them here in this closet, as no one is willing to clean around the house. Very good, Liam.

I slowly pulled a towel but not without knocking over something beside it. And then I felt a cold and sticky thing all over my head. What is this? Eww.

I finally got the towel and wrapped it around me. I am literally shivering.

No, not from cold, idiots! I am frightened. Some intruders are in my house and I can't contact the boys because I have left my phone in my room.

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