Inked In My Heart

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Cheryl's POV -

"Oh yeah, it’s today, oh yeah, gotta get ready.” I heard voices singing loudly, and I snuggled deeper in my blanket.

“Emery, turn on the computer, Callie, get the food, and Mia, go wake Cheryl up.” Falyn said commandingly. I opened my eyes.

“What?” I asked tiredly.

“1D Day you idiot! You wanna miss it or what?”

“Never in a million years.” I jumped out of bed with more energy I had ever possessed, and ran over to the computer.

“It’s just starting!” Falyn said excitedly. It seemed that the girls were all prepared to just sit there for 7 hours straight and watch the entire thing. They had even got bowls of popcorn and chocolate ready.

“Welcome to 1D Day!”

We all let out collective gasps as those five familiar guys walked onto the set. It was kinda hard to believe that it was live. It was live.

It was happening right this second.

“Why isn’t Harry wearing his green headband thing? We all thought he would!”

I fingered that piece of material that was tied around my wrist. I had decided to use it as a bracelet. I shrugged.


We watched for a few minutes, and by the time we got to the toilet paper world record, I was already close to tears. Seeing them live made me miss them more. I wonder if they knew I was watching them right now.

“I seriously doubt Louis’ gonna break that record.” Emery said.

“Yeah, he’ll probably knock them all over or something.”

We also saw Harry and Zayn’s failing attempt. Such idiots. But I still loved them. I wanted to call them so much, but they probably wouldn’t answer.

After three hours, my bones all hurt from sitting down for so long. I walked the length of the room, trying to let my legs regain conscious.

“This is so awesome!” All four pair of their eyes were still glued to the screen.

“Now, this five lads had been pretty good at keeping a secret from all you fans. Yes, they have a secret to share with you, and if you are watching this right now, you will the first to know.”

“What secret?” I quickly looked back at the computer.

“It’s a pretty awesome secret.” Harry said.

“Yeah, it is.” Louis agreed.

“I can’t believe none of the fans knew.” Liam said.

“Yeah, it’s sick.” Zayn smiled at the camera.

“It’s not about me, just the four of them.” Niall said.

“Just get on with it!” I said, annoyed.

“OK, so…” Louis stretched out the so until it was unbearable.

“We’ve got new matching tattoos!” I tried very hard to restrain myself from rolling my eyes, but it was hard.

The big secret was they got new tattoos?

“That is so cute!” Falyn squealed.

“So let us show it to you!” All four boys minus Niall held their wrists out in front of the camera, and there was a second where I stopped breathing.

“Passion." Liam said, pointing to that word inked onto his wrist. It was in italics and had a cool design around it.

“Our passion for music.” Harry explained.

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