Best Friend?

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Cheryl's POV -

Friday turned out to be much better. Katie had a dentist appointment or something, so she wasn't at school. I could finally concentrate in class, because I didn't have to keep worrying about what else Katie had in store for me.

“The Popular People table is much quieter today.” Lily observed as we were eating lunch in the cafeteria. "I think it's because Katie's not there."

“Yeah." I agreed. "What a bunch of losers.”

The girls at that table were just staring at each other awkwardly. They weren't even talking or anything. They all seemed lost without Katie in their midst.

“School is much more enjoyable without Katie and with a friend.” Lily commented. I smiled at her.

During the past week, I had learnt that Lily had never had a true friend. There was one that turned out to be a psycho, one that ditched her for the popular group, and one that was never her real friend in the first place. I like being on my own, but Lily is so talkative that she just needs someone to talk to.

I had told Lily about Maddie on the first week here, as I had trusted her. She listened to me and then genuinely hugged me.

“I'll always be your friend, Lily.” I told her. “Forever, until, uh, my adoptive family disowns me.” I was pretty sure that the boys would never disown me. In fact, they'd probably rather disown themselves than to disown me. In other words, my friendship with Lily is completely safe.

“Me too, best friends.” Lily said, then took out a charm bracelet from her bag. “For you.” She said simply.

I took it in my hands. The bracelet was exquisite, with a baseball cap hung on a thin, golden chain.

"I know," She continued. "After Maddie, you'll be not so fond of bracelets, but still I had this. I originally bought this for my last friend, but she ditched me so I still have this. Since now you're my friend, this can be our friendship bracelet. And it's okay if you don't want it."

“You talk about friends like they're boyfriends, Lily.” I told her, laughing. “But thanks a lot, I'm going to keep wearing this forever.”

Lily took a sip from her juice box offhandedly, but I could tell that she was pleased.

“I thought we could put charms that represent each of us.” Lily suddenly said. “That's why there's a baseball cap on it now, representing me.”

“OK.” I said, and finished up my lunch. We left the cafeteria to go to our secret place. Which isn't exactly secret, because everyone in the school can go there, but no one does, so it's kinda like our special place.

We went to a big oak tree in the school grounds. It was in a discreet corner, so people don't usually notice it. We swung up to a branch where we sat there, chatting.

“What do what to be when you grow up?” I asked Lily out of interest.

“I dunno. Maybe an actress or something. That'd be cool. Or a singer.” She replied. “You?”

“I'd like to be a writer, I guess. But it's not very realistic. So maybe a teacher or something. I'm not very sure myself either.”

“Oooh, it'd be so awesome to sell a bestseller, wouldn't it? What's your favourite pop singer, then?”

“Liam Payne.” I randomly said.

“From that boy band One Direction, right? Hey, you've got the same last name!" Lily suddenly exclaimed. "The two of you can't be related, can you?"

”Of course not,” I covered hastily. “Just a coincidence, I guess. Who's yours then?”

Lily answered, and we kept talking of innocent topics until Lily popped a question that was difficult for me.

“What's your biggest secret?” Lily asked me.

“Um...” I said. Of course, the first thing that had popped into my head was the boys, but I couldn't possibly say that. I really wanted to tell Lily since she was my best friend, but it would ruin my life, so I shook my head against it. I racked my brain for something else to say.

“If it helps, mine is I once stole something, but I didn't return it even when the other person was looking for it desperately.” Lily told me.

"What did you steal?" I asked, intrigued.

“A pair of sunglasses.” She said. “It was because they were mean to me so I got really angry. But it was a very cheap pair anyway, so it kinda lessens my guilt.”

I giggled a bit.

“That's a big secret, you know.”

“Kinda.” Lily shrugged. “I don't like to think about it nowadays. What's your big secret then?”

I did some quick thinking. I decided I would tell her another of my secrets, so at least I wouldn't be lying.

“Well, I can't go to sleep on my own. I always have nightmares. I need to be in the same room as someone else.”

Lily leaned forward to look at me, so our tree branch swayed a little.

“If that's your biggest secret, then you must be a really boring person.” She grinned, to show me she was just kidding.

“I guess I am then,” I replied, and we went down the tree to go to our next lesson.

After three hours of lame History and complicated Algebra, school was over. I walked with Lily to the school entrance, where we will usually stand talking until Louis beeps me with the car horn. But today was different. Once I stepped out of the school gate, Louis hurried over to us covered in a think scarf, beanie and sunglasses.

“Cheryl, we've got to go. Now.” He said adruptly when he stopped in front of us.

“Is he your brother?” Lily whispered to me rather loudly.

I nodded briefly.

“Oh, hi!” Lily waved at Louis cheerfully. “Have you recovered from your cold?”

Louis looked from Lily to me strangely. I gave him a 'I'll tell you later look'.

“Anyways, Lily, we've got to go now, I'll text you later!” I gave her a quick hug then jumped into the car.


2nd chapter of the day! YAY !!

Question for this chapter :

What's your biggest secret?

Bye bye, Dum Dums!!

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