One Drunkrection

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Cheryl's POV -

Gasps filled the room.

Louis’ eyes widened and he started screeching like an idiot. Niall shook his head repeated, whispering words we couldn’t hear.

“Mate…” Harry said slowly, while Zayn just sat there in shock, not moving. Liam stood holding Ruby's hand, biting his lip. I was the first to react.

“Ruby!” I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. “You’re going to be my real sister!”

“Yes, Cheryl.” She patted my head, a tear dropping from her eyes.

“I’m so happy for you! I thought this day would never come.” I whispered.

“I am, too. I’m glad to be your sister, Cher.”

I let got of her then jumped on Liam, almost throttling him to death.

“Cher, get off me.” He said weakly.

“You did it, you did it!” I yelled, hugging him while still jumping. “I am so happy! And Ruby's having a baby—” I shot a look at her, and immediately understood everything. How Ruby thought she was ‘fat’, and how she had rushed off soon afterwards. How Liam started drinking last night and why he was so abnormally happy this morning. Everything seemed to fall into place. “Oh my gosh, Liam you’ll be an actual dad! Ah!”

“I know, I know, Cher.” He said, hugging me back. “I’ve always wanted this to happen.”

“Get out of my way.” Louis said, elbowing me. I frowned at him but let him talk to Liam.

“Hey, Louis. Be more considerate! She’s our sister too!”

“Sorry, Cher, but Liam. James. Payne.” He demanded, poking Liam’s chest. “I cannot believe you.”

“What, Louis? Didn’t you expect that to happen one day?” Ruby said jokingly.

“Of course I did. I just never expected it to take so long.” Louis kissed her on the cheek. “Congratulations, Ruby.”

“Yay, bro! I know it’s a tad early to have a baby and get married, but this is the best news I’ve heard in a long time!” Zayn got out of his trance and hugged both of them.

“Glad to have your blessing, bad boy.” Liam said, his eyes, shining.

“Congrats. This is unreal.” Harry shook Ruby's hand formally.

“Harry, drop the act.” Ruby rolled her eyes.

“OK.” Harry grinned widely and dropped Ruby's hand, instead flinging his arms around her. “You’ve got the best guy in the world!”

“Hey, Haz, don’t break my girl.” Liam pulled him off her.

“Holy—” Niall said again in the background.

“Don’t say it.” Liam warned. “There are two kids in this room.” He looked at me then laid a hand on Ruby's stomach, blushing.

“What? I was going to say holy chicken nuggets!” Niall pretended to look hurt, but he soon let out a laugh. “You’re going to be a husband and dad, Liam! Ha ha!”

“It’s not that funny.” Now it was Liam’s turn to look hurt.

“No. Sorry. I just laugh when I’m really, really happy.” Niall got up from the sofa and danced around the two of them. “Happy happy!”

“Thanks, Niall.” Ruby smiled, hugging him too.

Liam’s face looked like it would be permanently stretched into a smile. He beamed at me, and Ruby, at the furniture, at the ceiling.

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