Epilogue - Part 1

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Cheryl's POV -

The next month of my life was completely crazy. I went to school during the day, went to interviews afterwards, and usually accompanied the boys to their concert in the evening. The only thing keeping me sane was spending time with my family and friends.

School was still not an enjoyable place for me, but now the reason for that had changed. The Monday after the Christmas holidays, when I finally went back to school, everyone treated me differently. Well, everyone but Lily and Katie.

“Hello, people!” Lily’s yell that we had grown accustomed to rang through our house in the morning on the first school day of the new year.

As per usual, Lily herself appeared a few seconds later, skateboarding into the kitchen, and thankfully, not infront of Zayn cause he was in his room. Guess what he was doing? If you said sleeping, you know Zayn too well.

“Hey, Lily, want a banana?”  Harry greeted her, holding out a bunch of bananas.

“Sure, thanks.” Lily took one and went over to me. “You’re famous, girl! How do you feel about going to school as One Direction’s little sister?”

“I don’t feel any different.” I shrugged. “I bet no one will care that I’m One Direction’s sister, they’ll just treat be like they usually do.”

I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

The minute Harry pulled his car over by the school gates, a few girls came over to peer inside the car.

“Um, hi, what are you doing here?” I asked, getting out of the car.

“You’re Cheryl Payne!” One of them gasped.

“Yeah, I am, and I have been for a few months already. As you may or may not have noticed before, we go to the same school.” I replied pleasantly. It was quite a nice change having girls my age other than Lily and Katie talk to me. A part of me knew that she wasn’t really talking to be to be friendly—she was talking to me because of who I was. Or more accurately, who my brothers were.

“Then the one who drove you here must be—” That girl’s friend gasped even louder. “Oh my gosh!” She bent down and looked through the car window. “That’s Harry Styles! It is!”

Her carrying voice already attracted a lot of attention, and at the mention of Harry Styles, a few other girls wandered over.

“Sorry, Harry.” I apologized for attracting attention to him as he rolled down the car windows.

“It’s alright, this is my life.” He started signing stuff that the girls gave him, and more girls came over, creating a circle of people around the car.

I stood around awkwardly with Lily by my side, watching as more and more people surrounded the car. What surprised me the most was when a girl came up to me instead of Harry and asked for a picture. The funny thing was that I distinctly remember sitting next to that girl in Algebra once and that she had ignored me every lesson.

“Uh, sure!” I didn’t how to react at first. The girl opened her camera to selfie mode and I smiled.

“Oh my gosh, thanks a lot!” She exclaimed after she looked at the picture. “You are so pretty, by the way.”

“Thanks, but I’m not.” I replied politely.

“Yes you are.” Harry piped up, still signing and taking pictures with the girls.

“I said that to Louis before, and now I’m going to say it to you. Shut up.”

Harry gave me another one of his signature cheeky smiles, cocking his head to one side. “You don’t know-o-o, you don’t know you’re beautiful, that’s what makes you beautiful!”

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