I've Ever Heard In My Life

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Cheryl's POV -

I ran up to my room and immediately jumped onto my bed, bouncing up and down on the mattress. The boys came up a few minutes later.

"I love my room so much! Did I mention that? This is the best feeling in the world!" I yelled at the top of my voice. The boys sat down on my bed on either side of me, making the bed sink down a bit.

"It's nice to see you back into this room again. Before Liam said it looked so empty and sad, he cried, didn't you, Li Li?" Louis said, grinning.

"Shut up, Louis before I make you." Liam grumbled, clearly embarrassed.

"Aww, Liam." I hugged him tightly. "Did you really cry?"

"No...yeah. Maybe. A bit." He changed answer mid-sentence. "Anyways, it should be nighttime now, isn't it? What's the time?"

We all looked towards the window to see the sun peeking through it, shining gently in the cool December morning.

"I'm guessing it's morning." I checked my alarm clock that had been lying on my bedside table for a month untouched. 6 a.m.

"But I feel tired!" Niall yawned. "Jet lag!" He added as though it wasn't obvious.

"We don't!" I high-fived Zayn. "Cause we slept on the plane."

"Well, don't go to sleep, Niall." Liam said commandingly to Niall who had just laid down on my bed, eyes closed peacefully. "You need to adjust to the time here." Niall moaned and sat up. "Anyone up for pancakes?" At this sentence, Niall seemed to have regained his energy and raised his hand eagerly.

"I am! I love pancakes! Me hungry!" Liam went down to the kitchen and Niall trooped after him like a dog following its master.

"I'm hungry too, to be honest. Let's go down." Harry picked me up and flung me over his shoulder, carrying down the stairs like a fireman with the rest of the boys cheering along. My brothers were seriously the best.

When we went down to the kitchen, I tried to help Liam with the pancakes, but he pushed me away.

"Today, we work, you do whatever you want. Except work. Got it?"

"Yup." I hugged Liam around the waist gratefully. "But you'll never cook as well as me, just saying. Right, Niall?"

"Definitely." He nodded rapidly. Liam glared at the pancakes like they had offended him, before handing them out to us.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Louis asked as he started on his food, shoving huge amounts into his mouth.

"Can we do something with Lily? I want to spend time with you, but also with Lily. I miss her so much."

"Of course, we can't keep you away from your friends. Why don't you call her now, see if she can come over?"

I reached for my phone, but the call was unnecessary. The front door burst open and a girl with long blonde hair streaming behind her skateboarded inside, almost crashing into Zayn before stopping.

"It's meeeeeeeeee!" I let out a squeal of recognition and threw my arms over my best friend.

"Lily! I missed you!"

"I missed you even more! You have no idea-" Lily pulled away from me and looked me in the eye very seriously.

"Katie has been completely murderous since you left. She kept questioning me about you until I get so annoyed I could just kill her."

"Yeah, I know that feeling." I said, abandoning my pancake and leading her to my bedroom so we could talk in peace.

"So, don't talk about stupid Katie, how have you been?" Lily looked at me eagerly.

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