Birthday No.2

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Cheryl's POV -

“Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on, let’s go and play.” Huh? I opened my eyes a fraction.

“It’s snowing! It’s snowing a lot! The ground outside is completed covered with snow!” Someone shouted excitedly. It was snowing? It was snowing! I sat up.

“Happy Birthday, Cheryl!” A bunch of voices called out to me at once.

I rubbed my eyes and then focused on the people around me. All the boys were surrounding me, even Liam, though one of his hands was still holding onto Ruby's limp ones, and his eyes were rimmed with tears. Behind them were Iris, Hannah, Peyton and even Ashlyn. Right next to me was Lily, who was shaking me with the energy of an over-excited puppy.

“Um…thanks?” I smiled happily. “I love you all.”

“So, do wanna build a snowman? It doesn’t have to be a snowman.” Lily asked me again. I looked out of the window—the hospital’s window. I couldn’t think of a weirder place to spend my birthday, but whatever. All my friends and family were here, and that was more than enough.

“Of course! You guys wanna go too?” I asked the boys and their girlfriends.

“Duh.” Louis rolled his eyes. “But Liam, if you don’t want to—”

Liam surprised us by saying, “I’ll go.”

“Are you sure? Don’t make yourself go just because you want to make me happy. You can stay here with Ruby if you want to.”

“No.” Liam said resolutely. “I love both of you, and since I’ve already spent a lot of time with Ruby yesterday, today is all yours. I can’t neglect you just because of Ruby.” I hugged him gratefully while Harry poked me.

“Told you so.” He smirked.

All 11 of us ran out of the hospital and onto the sidewalk, where the snow was already a couple of inches high.

“You know, the fans and paparazzi will see us.” Zayn pointed out.

“Who cares!” We all replied.

I grabbed a ball of snow and threw it at Lily.

“Why are you here anyway? I thought you would be at your home with your family.”

“And miss my best friend’s birthday? No chance!” Lily replied, and hit me with another snowball, right in the face. “I’ll stay here with you guys for a while, then go home for Christmas dinner.”

I spat snow out of my mouth and grinned at her. “Great!”

Lily and I were too preoccupied with our little snowball fight slash chat we didn’t see Louis’ attack coming. His snowball was, like his mouth, gigantic. It caught us off guard and hit us hard, making us sit down onto the floor with an ‘oof’.

“Hahahahahahahahaha!” Louis laughed triumphantly, “The look on your faces when my snowball hit you was phenomenal!”

“And the look on your face will be even better!” Lily wiggled her eyebrows at Louis playfully, grabbed some snow, and took her aim.


The sound of ‘fighting’ didn’t only come from Lily and Louis, but from all the other boys too. Harry and Niall had ganged up against Zayn, and Zayn was running away from the two of them while trying not to get snow in his hair.

Iris, Hannah, Ashlyn and Peyton were standing a distance away from my crazy brothers, attempting to build a snowgirl. (Technically it was a snowman, but it had long hair, so I assumed it was a snowgirl) Liam, however, wasn’t really joining in. He was sitting down, away from the fight, and rolling up a ball of snow quietly, making it bigger and bigger.

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