Sister Vs. Directioner

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Cheryl's POV -

“They are genuinely One Direction, aren’t they?” Lily asked me after a terrible one minute of silence.

I nodded numbly. Would Lily tell the world?

“This is so cool!” Lily said, a grin on her face. “Your brothers are famous!”

I nodded again, but the boys had worried expressions on their faces. I held on to Lily’s arms and dragged her to the living room.

“Listen very carefully, Lily.” I started, so Lily’s attention turned from the boys to me. “This thing is supposed to be a secret. No one was supposed to know. Their boy’s boss won’t let them adopt, so if anyone found out about this, I’ll need to go back to the orphanage. But since you’ve already found out…” I looked around, thinking of how to put it into words. “You can’t ever tell anyone, OK? Not anyone at all. You’re the only person in the world that can know about this. Can you promise me? Lily?”

Lily came back from dreamland.

“I promise.” She said solemnly. “This is between us only. Of course I don’t want you to go back to the orphanage!”

I smiled weakly, feeling relieved but still a bit shocked. This was the most important secret in my life! And Lily now knows about. I wouldn’t have to lie to Lily anymore. I knew I could trust Lily.

“So, do you want to meet my brothers, like, officially now?”

“Sure!” We went back into the kitchen.

“I guess you know who’s who then, don’t you?” I asked, smiling.

“Hello, Lily.” Harry said, standing up and giving Lily a hug. “Cheryl said a lot about you. It’s nice to meet you. Are you a fan?”

“Not exactly.” Lily replied, “I like you but I’m not a crazy fan.”

“Good.” Said Liam, “As least you didn’t freak out just now. Other girls probably would’ve.”

They chatted for a long time while I just drank some chocolate milk while sitting there, listening to snippets of their conversation. Lily took no time to get used to the boys, she just started chattering away like they’ve known each other forever. She got on particularly well with Harry and Niall, and they talked animatedly.

After some time, I went to the living room for some peace and quiet. Zayn followed me too, and we sat down on the sofa.

“Why don’t you stay there and talk?” I asked him.

“I don’t really like talking to new people.” He replied. “I like to be by myself, or people that I really, really like."

“Do I count?”

“Of course you do. You’re my sister!”

“Me too, I just like to have some time just by myself. I’m not really a people person.”

After an hour, the rest of the boys and Lily seemed to have almost run out of things to talk about. I went back into the kitchen.

“So, Lily, wanna go up to my room?”

“Yeah!” She jumped up and I led her to my room. She sank down to a beanbag and looked around my room.

“Your room is so awesome, Cher!” She exclaimed.

“I know, right? The boys did it by themselves!”

“Lucky! I wished One Direction adopted me! Wonder what Katie would say if she found out you’re actually the sister of One Direction?”

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