Home Sweet Home

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Cheryl's POV -

“Let it began.” Emery rubbed her hand evilly, much like the way her favourite 1D member does when he’s up to no good. “First, we need paper cups, and Coke. Lots and lots of Coke.”

Those two things were easy enough to find. Using our ninja (not) skills, we crept into the school kitchen. There was no one there, so we helped ourselves to several liters of Coca Cola and stole a few bags of paper cups. Holding our supplies, we quietly went back through the corridors which were thankfully deserted, and into our room.

“Now.” Emery nodded at the Coke and paper cups. “We need to select our victims. Who shall it be? Cher, it’s your choice.”

“Maybe the teachers? Or Mrs. Smith?” Falyn suggested.

“I don’t think so, she’s been so nice, inviting One Direction here and all. And I just wouldn’t dare to prank a principal, especially if it involves Coke. How about the Elisa and Emy. As payback to the cranberry juice incident. I need to get them back before I leave, or I’ll never be able to rest.”

They grinned at my choice, and we got to work. We arranged all the paper cups in front of the twin’s room’s door, surrounding it completely. Then we carefully poured the Coke into the paper cups. After ten minutes, everything was perfect. If the twins stepped out of their room, they would be standing in Coke. After a silent high-five, we went back to our room.

“Goodnight.” I said yawning as soon as I flopped down onto my bed. It had certainly been one of the most eventful nights of my life, and I felt tired out. Besides, we needed to get up early tomorrow to see the results of our prank, then I had to pack and whoop whoop! Home!

“I’ll wake you up tomorrow so we can see their faces when they step in the coke.” Callie said sleepily from her bunk. We all mumbled replies of agreement, then I drew the blankets tightly around me and feel asleep.

Beep. Beep. Beep. I could hear some beeping in my mind distantly, but it kept growing louder. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.

“Hey, wake up! You wanna see the final results of the prank, don’t you? And then Cheryl will be leaving! Get up you sleepyheads!” Callie pulled the blanket off my head and I grumbled in protest.

“Come on! You’re going home today, remember. Home.” That word had a huge impact on my. I immediately sat up.

“Good.” Callie said when she saw me awake. “Get your shoes on, but be quiet. The twins should be up in another ten minutes or so.”

I slipped my TOMs on, and we went outside to the corner next to Emy and Elisa's room. The cups of Coke were still exactly where we placed them last night, and no one seemed to have seen them, so things were going according to plan. After a few minutes, we heard some noise coming from that room.

“Wait.” Emery said quietly, putting a finger to her lips. We waited while holding our breaths as we saw the door handle turn…the door slowly opened…

“What the—” Came a high-pitched squeal. Still trying to keep ourselves unseen, we peeked round the corner.

There they were, Emy and Elisa, covered in Coke. Emy had stepped onto the edge of a paper cup, so it had flown up into the air and landed on Elisa's head, drenching her hair.

“Who did this?” Elisa shouted angrily and took a step forward, knocking over another paper cup in the process. “I’m going to kill her!”

Emy tried to leap over the rest of the cups but failed, and stepped on another cup. By now, the floor around them was soaked with Coke, so whatever direction they chose to go in, they would still step into Coke. Several girls walked pass them.

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