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Cheryl's POV -

When I woke up the next morning, Liam was still next to me, asleep. I checked the clock. 08:23

I inched out of bed slowly, careful not to wake him up. Thanks to me, his last night must've been terrible.

Then I first time noticed his room. His room was really neat with everything in place, and it did fit his description as a hotel room. With a lot of empty space, his room is pretty airy and has a nice fresh feel to it.

There was a turtle pillow by him where he slept on his king sized bed. Also, the room was covered with photographs around.

I picked up the nearest photo. It showed Liam holding hands with a pretty girl with light brown hair.

Must be his girlfriend.

Seeing as Liam was still asleep, I went to my room. I went to the bathroom and washed my face before combing my hair, leaving it in a wave of curls down my back.

Then I changed clothes in my bedroom. I put on the same sweater, which I wore yesterday, because who was I kidding? I have nothing else decent to wear.

I went into the hallway and I can hear snoring coming from all the rooms.

I don't think the boys will be up soon.

I go down to the kitchen deciding that I'll make something for the boys, as a thank you gift.

I rummaged through the cupboards and found the perfect ingredients.

I got the flour and chocolate chips, along with butter, eggs, sugar and milk, then started mixing them in a big bowl.

After half hour, I have prepared enough chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. I knew Niall will be eating more than the others.

Speak of the devil, Niall came down the stairs, rubbing his eyes. He look too cute, like a small child. Opposite of devil.

"Do I smell pancakes? Please say there are pancakes here." He said, entering the kitchen.

"Yes. I made chocolate chip pancakes for everyone." I replied, as I handed out a pancake to him with flourish.

"Thank you, and Good Morning!" He said, starting his breakfast.

"Good Morning!" I chuckled, as Louis also came down, followed by Liam, both of them still in their pajamas.

"Good Morning!" Both of them chorused.

"This pancake is actually really good. Did you make it, Cherry?" Louis asked with his mouth full of the bite of pancake he'd stolen from Niall.

I nodded.

"Where did you learn to cook?" Liam asked.

"Nowhere." I said. "The last few months I was living with my parents, it was either cook your own food or starve. I chose to cook my own food. These pancakes were just made out of experience.

"This is the best breakfast I've had for ages." Niall said, already on his second pancake. "You're an awesome cook, Cheryl."

"Thanks." I said, blushing slightly. I bet no other girl blushed at complements from her brothers, but I couldn't help but feel self - conscious around them.

"Could you make chocolate chip pancakes everyday?" Niall questioned again, a smear of chocolate comically on his chin.

"Then you'll grow tired of it." I said, laughing.

"Do you hear yourself, Niall?" Harry asked, entering the kitchen, also in his pajamas. "You adopted Cheryl with promises to take good care of her, and now you're telling her to make you pancakes everyday?"

We all laughed.

"Can you save some for Zayn?" Liam asked Niall.

"Don't be so inconsiderate, Liam." Niall said, shoving Liam. "It's his own fault he doesn't wake up, I wanna eat all the pancakes!"

"It's alright, there's enough for everyone." I said, sitting down to eat my own breakfast.

After 15 minutes, we all have finished.

"We should now wake Zayn up and get ready to go shopping." Liam said. "All know that he takes the most time to get ready."

"I'll go and wake him up." I said standing, and putting my dish in the dishwasher.

Then I went up to Zayn's room with the rest of the boys. According to Harry, a lot of energy is needed to wake Zayn up, so we had to all go together.

His room is nowhere near Liam's neat room. The walls were yellow in colour, and there was a window that looked out to a forest a few miles away. On one side of the wall was a full length mirror with fairy lights all around.

It took a great deal of work to wake Zayn up. First, the window had to be opened to let the sun shine into the room. Then Louis jumped around Zayn's bed, while the other boys shook him and shouted loudly.

Believe it or not, Zayn still hadn't as much as stirred after a minute. Feeling weirdly impish, I climbed on his bed and positioned my mouth right above his face.

"ZAAAAAAAYN!" I yelled in his ear. "WAKE UUUUUUUP!"

He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at me for a second. Then he himself started yelling his head off. I jumped away.

"Help! Guys, save me! There's a fan in my room! Help! Make her get away from me!"

"Zayn." Louis sighed loudly. "She's Cheryl. We adopted her yesterday, remember?"

Zayn looked back at me.

"Oh, right. Now I remember. Cheryl. Yeah." Then he disappeared back under his blankets.

"C'mon Zayn, wake up. We need to go to the mall." Niall said, pulling the blankets off him.

"Nooooo." Zayn moaned, snatching the blankets back from Niall. "I need to sleep."

This went on for another 5 minutes, and eventually Zayn woke up.

Liam told me to go down and wait, as I was already ready.

I was excited for this shopping trip.

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