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Cheryl's POV -

The next afternoon, Harry was meeting up with Ashlyn, and since he didn’t want the boys to suspect anything, he told me to go along too. I didn’t really mind, hanging out with Ashlyn was fun, though I had a feeling that I would be ignored for most of the time, because it was hard to tear Ashlyn and Harry apart once they got started.

“Come on, Cheryl, we gotta go now!” Harry knocked on my bedroom door. “I don’t want to keep Ash waiting!”

“Yeah. As if you aren’t already always late on your dates.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m coming, stop badgering me.”

I put on a red hoodie, blue jeans and UGG boots and opened the door to find Harry dancing around in the hallway and flapping his hands around while wearing the biggest coat I have ever seen.

“Um, hello weirdo?”

“Oh.” Harry stopped dancing breathlessly, “I was cold, so I was moving around to keep myself warm.”

“Erm...Okaaaay.” He was wearing a big heavy fur coat, and he’s still cold? This boy was unbelievable. “Let’s go then.”

We went to this café half an hour drive away from our house. There were flowers in every possible corner in the café, and soft, slow music was playing in the background. It was a place where you would think to bring your girlfriend or boyfriend on a date. In other words, so not a place for me.

“You dragged me along on a date with your secret girlfriend, which I was fine with, until I found out the location was here. How am I supposed to not gag surrounded by this?”

I kicked a flowerpot that was on the floor and the flowers burst out into a romantic tune. “See?”

“Cher, babe, just deal with it.” Harry said, but his expression changed completely when he caught sight of Ashlyn. “Hello, the most beautiful girl on earth.”

“Hello yourself, the most handsome guy on earth.” Ashlyn complimented him back and kissed his cheek lightly. “Let’s go sit down, kay?”

“And there they go again.” I muttered to myself.

“Oh, hi Cheryl.” Ashlyn gave me a smile. “And I’ll try to restrain from kissing your brother when you’re right next to us. After all, I don’t want your vomit all over our tea.”

“Thanks a lot, Ashlyn. Very much appreciated. You hear that, Harry? No kissing while I’m right next to you.”


We sat down in a table in the corner so that Harry's presence wouldn’t be that noticeable.

Harry ordered a sandwich, Ashlyn ordered a cupcake (which according to Harry, looked as cute as Ash herself). I just got a latte and sipped quietly while Harry and Ashlyn talked.

Seeing Harry and Ashlyn together made me wonder what did Harry saw in Daisy in the first place. Ashlyn and Daisy's personalities were worlds’ apart.

After a while, I lost interest in Harry and Ash’s conversation, so I just tuned out and read The Fellowship of the Ring, the first book of the Lord of the Rings trilogy that Hannah gave me.

I was a quarter through the book when I heard a very familiar cough, and it wasn’t from Ashlyn or Harry. I looked up in surprise, and my eyes met blue ones that were flashing with malice and anger.


This was so not a good time for her to be here. I glanced at Harry and Ashlyn, who were holding hands and staring at each other adoringly. It looked like Daisy saw them too. She started walking towards our table, her high heels making a brisk ‘clack’ sound with every step she took. Oh no.

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