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Cheryl's POV -

After we found the car keys, which were in Liam's pocket, but Liam had changed his clothes and dumped his trousers in the washing machine, so we had to fish the keys out of all the dirty clothes, the boys decided to help me set up my room.

We had all helped drag the 15 bags of stuff into my room and now we started unpacking.

I would like to say, Harry and Louis really have good choice in clothes. They had brought me so many types of outfits, that I was still gaping as they pull out one by one from the bags.

Tops, jeans, shorts, dresses, t-shirt, pajamas of different styles were filing my closet.

They brought me snap backs, beanies, necklaces and bracelets too.

When I put my hand inside one of the bags, I took out the small velvet box I have selected.

I could feel the boys' eyes on me, as I removed the colourful friendship bracelet off my wrist, and kept it carefully in the box.

Closing the box, I kept it with my new jewellery, but it is still more important than anything to me.

"You okay?" I heard Harry asking, probably to me.

I nodded and continued to remove my books and stationery from the bags.

It took us an hour to unpack all the clothes, put the lamp up and the fairy lights up, and other stuff.

Then came the difficult part for me - setting up my phone and laptop. Well, I had just wished for a small phone, but the boys decided to give me a freaking iPhone and also my own laptop. But well, I'm not gonna complain.

Have I mentioned that I had absolutely no knowledge when it comes to electronics? I'd never own a phone or a computer in my life, so the boys had to patiently teach me how to work this things.

They had also brought various phone cases and laptop covers for my things. There was their own band's covers too with their faces on it. They said girls like to see them.

By 3'o clock, I was able to call the boys through my phone and also use the Internet.

"We need to talk." Louis said, all serious - like, once we got seated in the living room.

What have I done?

"Yeah?" I perched myself at the age of the sofa.

"First thing, remember how this whole adoption thing is supposed to be a secret?" I nodded. I definitely remembered that.

"Well, it's gonna be a bit hard for all of us, at first." Liam said. "I'm not really sure I can trust myself to keep it quiet, let alone the lads. As for you, we've decided to let you go to school starting from next week, so we've got a lot of stuff to plan. Obviously, we don't want you talking about us at school. It'd be wonderful if the world knew of what we were doing, but we're afraid our management won't let us keep you if it did. It's better if no one at school knows about your personal life."

I digested all that information.

"I'm sure I'll be able to keep it quiet at school." I replied after a few seconds of thought. "I'd do anything just to keep staying here. I'd can't bear the thought of leaving. This is my life now, and no one is going to take it away."

"That's our girl!" Harry said, hugging me tightly. "I'll personally cut off the tongue of whoever let's the secret slip. No one's gonna take our girl away from us."

Everyone nodded in agreement, but Niall shook his head frantically.

"No!" He cried. "I'm scared it'll slip out of my mouth! I'm not going to open my mouth in interviews from now on!"

"Oh, and speaking of interviews," Zayn said. "The second thing is, we have one tomorrow at 3'o clock. I think we should bring Cheryl along with us, so she can get a general idea of what our everyday lives our like."

"Yeah." Louis said, "You could maybe sit backstage or something."

"But won't people see me?" I asked.

"Oh, I hadn't thought about that." Louis frowned. "Never mind,  we'll just figure something out tomorrow."

"Yup." Liam said. "And Louis, have you decided what you're making for dinner tonight?"

"Oh no!" Louis exclaimed. "I was hoping you'd forgot!"

"Too bad for you, I haven't." Liam smirked. "So just decide. I'll be in my room."

Then he went upstairs.

Everyone then started to do their own work as I also made my way towards my room.


It's been hours since I came to my room. I started reading the book Zayn gifted me.

And it is hell awesome.

I would like to go to Hogwarts. It's a dream school. I want to own an owl, a wand, play Quiddich and so many things. I think I would be in Hufflepuff. Loyal, trustworthy and kind.

"Cherry?" I heard Louis' voice as he entered my room.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Dinners' ready." And he went outside again. He is really weird.

I went downstairs and we all sat down for a dinner of Louis' burnt pizza.

"How could you even screw up something as simple as a pizza?" Niall complained.

"The pizza is perfectly fine." Louis retarded. "Just peel off the burnt parts and you'll have a perfect pizza."

"Yeah, right." Harry said, laughing. "If I peeled off all the burnt parts, there'd be no pizza left."

After dinner, I wished all the boys a good night and went upstairs to my room.

I first locked Zayn's side and stripped off my clothes.

I can't help but think about school. About the people I'll meet there. At the orphanage, everyone just ignored me. At my old school I was a walking dead person as people passed by me without noticing me at all.

I sighed. But I still have 1 week and I would like to know the boys more.


Heya people!

You've come so far in this story! I feel pumped!

Thank you so much!

SO if you like this normal chappy,






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