Please Understand

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Cheryl's POV-

They were leaving me.

That was the only thought going on in my mind. All the times they said they loved me, it was all an act, wasn't it? If they really loved me, they wouldn't leave me, alone in the world. Angry tears sprung up into my eyes. Why did no one ever want me in the world?

They were the first people to love and care for me in 3 years after Reggie and also, Maddie, but now they don't want me anymore. How could I survive if they left? I just couldn't live. Despair flooded through me. Why did all the bad stuff happen to me?

Something Harry had said to me the night before rang inside my head.

I promise we're going to protect you from now on.

They were all lies. How would they protect me if they're leaving me? In fact, it would be better if they never adopted me in the first place. Why give me all the best stuff in life then throw it away two months later? It would just hurt me even more.

I didn't know what my emotions were. Angry? Sad? They were all mixed up together.

Liam. I could still remember my first night here. I had a nightmare about my dad, and he comforted me. He said he wouldn't let anyone hurt me. But he was the one hurting me now.

Harry. He was always so loving, so kind. He acts and speaks without thinking, but he said he wouldn't ever hurt me. But now? He had already hurt me beyond understanding.

Niall. Always so sweet and cheerful. But even he was going with the flow. Doesn't he still want me? Doesn't he know I need them now more than ever?

Louis. He has never failed to make me laugh. Always brightening my mood. Now, he was just bringing tears to my eyes.

Zayn. The caring one. We are not that different, he had said. We understood each other pretty well. Didn't he see how they were hurting me right now?

There was no point in living now. I would probably go back to the dreaded orphanage. Once there, it'd be so much easier for my uncle to track me down.

For the first time in my life, I had suicidal thoughts. No one loved me, no one cared. They probably wouldn't care if I died right now. They still have their fame and money. Life would just go one like usual for them.

Tears of anger streamed down my face. How could they? How could they just leave me, just like that? Didn't they enjoy their time with me the past two months? Didn't they have any pity or compassion? They knew, I could tell. They knew I couldn't go on without them. But yet, Liam said I had to go.

Why did they have to ruin my life, right when it started to get better? A sudden feeling of hatred filled my heart, yet the thought of life without the boys was unbearable. My mind was swirling with thoughts. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to end my life, now and then.

In a split second, I jumped up and ran up the stairs. I was trying to run away from the thoughts that were crushing me. It had to be a nightmare, it couldn't be true. I needed to get away from it all.

Suddenly, two arms from behind me wrapped around my stomach. I struggled, but they held on tight.

Finally, I gave up, and let the arms pick me up. I was brought into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

I took a deep breath and looked at the five pairs of eyes that were staring at me. Those familiar eyes seemed to calm me down a bit. All my emotions faded away and I was left feeling exhausted. I leaned back on the sofa, not knowing what to do.

At last, I looked up and said the word which explained everything yet asked for explanations.


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