Lord Harry

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The next morning, Lily was still a bit freaked out about my brothers being One Direction. But just as Niall said, she got used to it pretty quickly. The first time, she ran into my house and bumped straight into Zayn.

“Whoa there, Lily, slow down a bit. Are you alright?” He asked concernedly.

“Yeah, I’m fine--WAIT A SECOND ARE YOU ZAYN MALIK? Oh wait, I know you.”

Two weeks later, it had already evolved into complete casualness. Lily would walk into the kitchen to get some juice, and if the boys were sitting there, this is what would happen.

“Hey there, is there juice in the fridge?” Lily would ask, peering inside the fridge.

“Yup, I think its apple juice.”

“What’re you and Cher doing?”

“Homework. What are you guys doing?”

“Talking to you, duh.”

“Oh very funny, ha ha.”

That acted completely normal around each other now, which is a good thing. But I still hadn’t forgotten my encounter with my uncle. I saw a glimpse of him the other day, and it crept me out. I ran as fast as I could to Niall's car and only felt safe when I was in the car with the lock on.

“What’re you running away from?” Niall asked me when I rushed inside the car and slammed the door.

“Nothing.” I still haven’t told the boys yet. They’d worry too much.

When we got home, there was an unusual silence.

“Hello?” I called out. It seemed like there was no life in the house.

“Ahem.” I heard a female voice call out. I looked at Niall.

“Daisy.” He mouthed at me. So that was Harry’s girlfriend. I started to go over to the direction of her voice but Niall stopped me. He pointed up the stairs. I shrugged and did as he said, going up the stairs quietly. I was almost at the top when Daisy saw me.

“So you’re the girl Harry and his band members adopted, aren’t you? Come down, I want to look at you.”

I obeyed her, even though Niall was miming dying behind her. I thought that she couldn’t be that bad. I mean, if Harry likes her, then how mean can she be?

I followed her into the living room. Daisy took a long look at me and scrunched up her nose.

“They certainly didn’t pick you for your looks, did they?” Of all the things I thought she would say, this was not it.

“Just look at you! Tangled up hair. Did you even brush it? And don’t let me start on your eyes! The colour is like dog poop. You’re so….”

“Hey, Daisy, stop it right this instance.” Harry came up from behind me and put his hand on my shoulder protectively. We both glared at her. “She is beautiful, don’t insult our sister. Please.”

Daisy stopped talking but she looked at me like I was not good enough for her.

“Are you ready to go out for dinner now, Harry?” She said, “I’ll go freshen up then we can go.” She walked away towards the bathroom.

After she left, I felt tears spring into my eyes, and I sat down on the sofa. Harry and Niall came to sit down on either side of me.

“Hey, baby, don’t cry.” Harry said softly, wiping the tears from my eyes. “Don’t listen to her. She’s just…not tactful. You’re beautiful. Don’t let anyone make you think that you aren’t.”

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