A Day to Remember

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Cheryl's POV -

The next morning was devoted to washing the plates and cleaning out the roof, where there were still remains of Louis' birthday party.

Zayn was woken up for cleaning too and as you've guessed, he was not very happy. Pippin trailed behind him, helping them clean up the food that has fallen onto the floor the other night.

Well, I sincerely tried to help, but Liam said I should spend my time more with Reggie now as he will be going home to Scotland in the evening.

That again made me sad, but then he is right too, I should spend my time with Reggie for what I've got.

That's why we decided to make breakfast today as a thankyou token for the boys as they clean the roof. Reggie taught me to make 'Scottish Scones', which was taught to him by his foster mother. Luckily we had all the ingredients required and in 30 minutes, the dish was ready. It was enough to feed a army.

"What is this smell?" Harry came first, with an empty bottle. "It's really nice. What have you two made?"

"This are Scottish Scones." Reggie informed him, serving a plate. "Try them."

Harry started eating, and his eyes widened.

"Oh. My. God." What? Are they bad? They smell great. "This are really great! You should teach me this, Reggie. I could eat this food for the rest of my life."

I smiled at that. Just remembered my first morning here. Niall had said something very similar like this. But, where is that guy?

"What are these?" As on cue, he appeared behind Harry and ate a scone. "Oh, wow. You two made this? Really, you two can be chefs or something. Give me a plate too."

He sat down beside Harry and both of them were eating like for the first time in many years.

"Your breakfast is not running away." I said, looking amused. "Eat slowly."

"We are hungry." Both of them stated at the same time.

"This much?" Reggie asked, not familiar with Liam's neatness. "What did you do? Liam just woke you up and got you to clean."

"Liam made us work like some animals upstairs." Niall said, finishing his plate. "Gimme more. Oh, and why is there water on the living room floor? We cleaned the room not much time ago. I know that I should have cleaned it up again but the smell from the kitchen made me ignore all other things."

"That was me." Harry replied. "I accidentally spilled some water. And like you, I really got attracted to the kitchen. I forgot."

"What's the plan for today?" I asked, mentally noting that there is water spilled and I need to clean that up after breakfast.

"We don't know. Ask Liam." I guessed that. "And call Lily too. I bet she would be here anyway."

I still grabbed my phone and called Lily.

"Hello, Cher. What's up?"

"Just wanna ask you when are you coming here. I wanted you to meet someone."

"I'm just on my way. Be there in 2. Who do you want me to meet?"


"Wait, what?!! Reggie, as your brother? Your twin brother! Wait, I'm coming in 10 seconds."

She ended the call and I turned around to see Zayn coming down the stairs, still half asleep, and looking annoyed as ever.

Lily, again, did burst through the door skateboarding on her special ice skateboard, and this time actually crashed into Zayn, taking him down too.

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