The Dare

454 21 2

Cheryl's POV -

We goofed around the beach for some time, making sandcastles and also, trying to make a snowfairy on the sand, as in Louis' case.

Why is he so weird?

All the boys keep an eye open for any fans around. Mainly, teenage girls or Paparazzi too.

"How's Ruby?" I asked Liam, suddenly remembering that I haven't met her for 1 whole week.

We texted each other regularly, telling each other things about how is the days going. As she told me, she's currently in Egypt. Pros of being a travel blogger.

"She's good." He replied. "She's in Egypt right now. Coming back in a week. She told me you chat with her daily."

"Yeah, I do. I like her, very much. Thanks for letting me meet her." I said, truthfully.

He nodded, smiling.

“Hey, what about your dare?” Harry said suddenly, looking at me. “You still haven’t done it yet. Do it now!”

“Oh, right, I forgot. I’ll do it now.” I said, and ran back into the sea, swimming out.

“Let’s go watch!” Said Louis, beckoning to Liam and Niall.

“And I’m just gonna stay nice and dry here.” Said Zayn, staying right there on the beach.

We swam out until Zayn looked like he was as small as a golf ball.

“Are you ready?” Said Harry, sounding like he was hosting a show. “We have here Cheryl Payne, going down in three…two…one!”

I took a deep gulp of breath and dived down.

As I went down meter by meter, the water around me got darker and darker. When I was about 4 meters down, everything around me already seemed to be in complete darkness.

Unwilling, all the memories I had with my father came rushing to me faster than the motion of the water. I closed my eyes tight and tried not to think of anything, but as I did, I kept sinking lower.

Before I knew it, I was out of breath. I tried to kick myself up, but my limbs felt like noodles. I flailed my arms around aimlessly, but instead of going back up, I sank lower and lower.

It was as if my dad was there, forcing me down.

I tried one last time to kick myself back up, but it was no use. I was sinking fast and I had almost no breath left. I opened my mouth, desperate for air, but got a huge mouthful of salty seawater instead.

My mind was slowly going blank. Memories from my life flashed by. Torture from my parents, having fun with Reggie, those long, unhappy days in the orphanage, Maddie, getting adopted, meeting Lily, the boys.

The boys. I wanted to get back to them. I struggled for one last time, with one thought in my mind. Get back to the boys. Then I felt darkness closing in around me, and everything went still. Very, very, still.

For some time, all I could hear was silence. My heart was still thumping, but slowly. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms closed around my waist.

We ascended. We shot above the water, and I gasped desperately for air, coughing. I coughed up a lot of water, but now my lungs felt like they were on fire.

I could still feel some water swishing inside my lungs. It hurt so much.

I heard voices around me talking frantically, and someone lifting me up to the beach. Someone checked my pulse. It was dangerously slow. My body seemed to be shutting down.

“No! No!” I could hear voices shouting. Someone pushed down on my chest and breathed into my mouth, so my chest started rising and falling on its own. I started breathing, but it hurt so much. My throat was burning and my lungs ached with every breath. I didn’t want to do this anymore. Death at this time felt more peaceful. I stopped breathing and just lay there, still.

Then I felt someone gripping my hand tightly, crying so hard that tears dripped down on my face.

“Hold on…” the person kept saying. I didn’t want to, but I forced myself to continue breathing, just for him. It hurt a lot, but I continued, in and out, in and out.

“Hold on…” That was the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes, blocking out the world around me.



Question for this chapter :

How many foreign countries have you visited?






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