Girls Night In

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Cheryl's POV -

“Do you, er, know each other yet?” I asked as I sat them down in the living room.

“Not exactly.” Ruby replied, looking at Ashlyn and Peyton.

“Well, I don’t know how to explain this, but basically Ruby and Iris are Liam and Zayn’s girlfriends, as you probably know already” I said to the other three. “Hannah is Niall’s friend, and Ashlyn and Peyton are friends of Harry and Louis’.”

They nodded and smiled at each other.

“Each of the boys invited someone to stay with me tonight, so now I have all five of you.” I finished.

“Good to know all of you!” Iris said to Hannah, Ashlyn and Peyton. She already knew Ruby before because the two couples have been together for quite some time.

“Er, so…” I said, unsure of what to do next.

“I was planning to make some dinner.” Ruby said. “You guys wanna help?”

“Sure!” Us six girls went into the usually full of boys’ kitchen. We started taking out bowls, chatting along the way. I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and started helping Ruby mix something.

After an hour or so, we cleaned up the table and ate the dinner we made ourselves. We were a weird party. Peyton probably had no idea what was going on, and I was scared that sooner or later she would start talking about Louis and, you know. Ashlyn looked a little left out, eating small bites of her food. Ruby and Iris chatted among themselves, sometimes adding Hannah into their conversation. And I just sat there silently eating my dinner. It felt completely strange eating with five girls instead of five boys.

“Cheryl, you aren’t usually that quiet, are you?” Peyton asked me. I was glad she started a conversation instead of me, and answered.

“Not really. I’m just not that talkative with…other people.”

“You remind me of someone.” Iris said, grinning.

“Zayn.” We both said and the same time, so we laughed.

“You’re a friend of Louis’ then?” Ashlyn asked Peyton.

“Guess so, we’re friends.” Peyton said, shrugging. “Girlfriend, more like.”

“Hey, wait a second, what did you just say?” Iris said glanced at her, looking amused. I remained silent, squirming a little in my chair.

“I’m Louis’ girlfriend.” She said, “He’s never told you?”

“He, uh, never actually told anyone.” I said, and they all turned to me. I gave Peyton an apologizing look and continued, “I’m guessing most of you know Louis’ vow to the boys?” All four girls nodded, excluding Peyton. “So, basically Louis’ not supposed to be dating anyone, but he is in fact together with Peyton.”

“Oh, really?” Peyton asked looking surprised.

“Yup.” I said. “Girls, you won’t tell, right? What the boys don’t know won’t hurt them.” They nodded.

“So I guess you and I are the only non-girlfriends here, aren’t we?” Hannah said to Ashlyn. Ashlyn nodded, looking a bit awkward. I’m guessing she couldn’t stand lying too, because she suddenly put her fork down with a clang.

“I have something to confess too.” She said. I gulped. “I am Harry's girlfriend.”

There was this kind of silence in the room that we could even hear the wind sweeping past the trees.

“Just to make sure, Harry is not with Daisy anymore, but with you?” Ruby asked.

Ashlyn nodded, mumbling, “I’m sorry, it must look like Harry's cheating on her but— ”

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