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Cheryl's POV -

We went downstairs and told Liam and Harry of our plan for the night. When I was picking out movies, I saw Zayn whispering to Liam and Harry out of the corner of my eye. They nodded then started to walk over to me, and I hastily turned my gaze back onto the DVDs trying to act like I didn't see them.

"Hey, Cher." Liam said softly.

"What." I said tonelessly, even though I already guessed what he would be saying.

"I'm really sorry." Told you so. "I know I shouldn't have been so...inconsiderate to what you want. Zayn told me you just want a quiet birthday, right?"

I gave him a small smile. "As quiet as it can be."

"We'll make sure it'll go perfectly, I promise." Harry hooked his pinky with mine.

"Well, don't spend too much time on it. I really don't mind. I'll be fine with just us and a donut."

"Nah, we'll plan something, don't worry, love."

"Don't plan something too grand." I warned.

Harry smiled. "You wait and see."

He went away and shared another whispered conversation with Louis and Niall, making me a little worried. They weren't planning behind my back, were they? I forgot all about it when the doorbell rang, signaling only one thing.

"Pizza's here!" Niall announced, handing the pizza guy his tips.

"Oh yay!" I ran over and opened up the cardboard box. "Hawaiian!" I yelled loudly, grabbing a still very hot piece of pizza that stung my fingers.

"Meat lover!" Louis yelled, grabbing a piece of that. A very alarmed expression flashed across his face and he dropped his pizza, then ran to the kitchen sink. "Hoooooooooot!" He screeched, letting the icy tap water run over his hand.

"Are you talking about me, or the pizza?" Liam asked jokingly. I shoved him on his arm in disgust.

"Neither." I popped the rest of the pizza in my mouth, while Niall watched me.

"Awwwww..." He moaned, clutching his stomach, "It's torture seeing you eat pizza when I can't even touch it."

"Come on, Nialler, open up." I tapped on his lips and he opened his mouth. I shoved the entire piece of pizza in his mouth. For one second, he seemed to choke, then he chewed it and swallowed it. "Yum. It's not really that hot."

Louis came back after cooling down his hand, and we ate our meal, teasing each other and joking around the entire time. When we finished, we settled down on our usual spots on the sofa, me, Liam, Zayn and Harry spread out on the sofa, Niall sitting on the arm of it and Louis on the floor leaning on Liam's legs. The boys let me choose a movie, and I chose Frozen, since the whole world seemed to be crazy about it. The music started playing and I snuggled deep into the sofa.

"I just love this." I said happily after a few minutes.

"The movie?"

"Nope, your presence."

They smiled, and then there was silence for another fifteen minutes.

"Does it snow over here?" I asked, curious.

"Yeah, it should be snowing in a week or two. Don't you notice it's getting much colder now?"

"Now you mention it, yes it is. Ooh, I love snow! I can't wait!" I looked out of the window as if expecting to see snowflakes drifting down. "I really can't wait!"

"Just shut up and watch the movie, babe." Louis said, and I got back to being quiet. I snuggled into Harry, feeling warm and cozy.

Though the movie was good, I think I was more focused on the five guys next to me. I loved them so much it hurt. I couldn't imagine how Anna could survive all those years without Elsa. If it was me being away from the boys for a few years, I'd been dead already. When Anna and Elsa became friends again, I got so emotional a few tears ran down my face.

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