Hello from America

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Cheryl's POV -

I had no memory of falling asleep, but the next time I opened my eyes, it was because someone was shaking me.

“Cheryl!” It was Falyn. “Wake up, we gotta go down for breakfast!” Tiredly, I got out of bed, rubbing my eyes.

“Wh-were you crying?” Callie asked uncertainly. What? I looked at my reflection in my mirror. There were tearstains on my face. I must’ve cried myself to sleep last night. Well, that figures.

“I’m alright.” I reassured Callie. “Just…hay fever.”

“There are no plants in here.” Emery pointed out.

“Fine. I missed my family.” I admitted defeat. Emery was just too observant.

“I know that feeling.” Mia said, giving me a hug. “I sometimes miss my family too, but you’ll get used to it.”

I changed my clothes, and we went down to the cafeteria again. This time the table was filled with bacon and eggs, oatmeal, bread and lots more. Since it was Saturday and we didn’t have a specific timetable, we could just start eating whenever we liked.

“What do you wanna do later?” Emery asked, already starting on her bacon.

“Just whatever you guys normally do, I guess.” It seemed like the four of them had assumed me to be their friend, which was quite nice, but a weird experience for me. No one ever liked me (except Lily, and Maddie of course), but now they were four girls clamoring to be my friend.

“Well, we usually do our homework by the lake, then in the afternoon if we’ve finished our schoolwork, we’d probably just hang out.”

“Sounds good.”

After breakfast, we went back to our room to get stuff to do. The other girls got their homework, but since I didn’t have any, I brought my notebook, planning to write down whatever came into my mind later. We went to a big oak tree almost similar to the one back home, and sat under its shade facing the sea.

“Nice place for doing homework.” I commented. It did feel nice. The sun was shining down on us softly, while the wind swept pass us in a gentle manner. You could hear the sound of the waves accompanied by birds and rustling when you flipped the page in a book. It was so relaxing, yet you could still do your homework in concentration.

“Yeah. It’s better than being stuck in your room.” Falyn said. She opened up her books and started writing notes. I opened up my notebook and twiddled my pen idly, thinking of something to write about.

“Sorry to interrupt,” I said to Mia who seemed to be doing some math, then asked her something completely irrelevant. “But if you were on a date with Harry, where would it be?”

“Oh, that’s a nice question!” She replied, looking up from her math. “I think…I would like a romantic dinner with all the candles and stuff. That’s be so awesome!”

“OK…” I started writing on my notebook. After half an hour, I gave my notebook to Mia. “Here you do. I did an imagine, but it ended up more like a short story…” Mia read it with interest, and a bright smile appeared on her face after she finished.

“This is so romantic!” She sighed, looking into the distance with a dreamy expression. “I loved it! You’re such a good writer, Cheryl! It’s so sweet and you really captured Harry’s personality.”

I grinned. “Thanks, Mia, means a lot.” Yeah, I guess I did capture Harry’s personality well. Since I lived with him.

“Ooh, can I see?” Callie asked, reading it to. Then she passed it to Emery and Falyn, who both read it.

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