The Shopping Trip

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Cheryl's POV -

It took half - hour more before all of them got ready to go out. Getting ready with One Direction wasn't your normal 'getting ready', I discovered. They had to choose the perfect outfits, then do their hair until it was perfectly styled as well. After that, they still need to choose their disguises.

"It's essential." Zayn explained, eating the pancakes. "No one should be able to recognise us."

"Why do your hair the perfect Zayn way then? No one's going to know you're Zayn if you make your hair like, ugly." I asked.

Zayn just gave me a look and turned away. Oh well.

All of us ended up wearing sunglasses. Yes, even me. Harry sported a fake moustache, and all the boys put on either a beanie or a baseball cap. Actually, Louis wanted to wear a baseball cap on top of his beanie, but Liam said it looked too crazy and forbid it.

Finally, we left the house. I'm seated in the back with Niall and Louis, and Zayn and Liam are in front of us.

Harry is driving like a mad man on the road, whizzing past cars, passing them, and swerving infront of some making others beep their horn at him. Which results in happening, "YOU FUCKER! I'M TRYING TO PASS! SO *lays on the horn* YOURSELF!"

Yeah, Harry is a great driver.

"Harry, I think you're a worse driver than me." Louis jokes from beside me, and Harry looks at him through the mirror with a hard glare.

Oh snap! Everyone cracks up laughing at Louis' joke, except Harry of course, as we drive along the road.

"Oh! Ew! Who farted?!!" Zayn suddenly says. Niall turns red and bursts out laughing from next to Louis, who is covering his nose with his shirt.

"Niall! I swear you need a medication for farting! No one likes to rides in a car with you!" Louis complaints and everyone agrees. Niall laughs again.

"Oi! I'm proud of it, Lou!"

This is going to be a long 15 min drive.


After a horrible, smelly, messy, torturous and frightening ride to the mall, we parked the car and went inside.

"Alright." Liam said, clapping his palms together. "Gather around." Niall, who had been looking for a food court, came back unwilling.

"We'll go separate ways so we can finish up the shopping faster. I'll go with Niall and we'll buy electronics, Harry and Louis buy the clothes, Zayn and Cheryl get stationary for school and whatever else Cher needs. Okay?"

All nodded.

"Alright then, meet you at the food court in 2 hours."

And we scattered around in the mall.

Zayn and I went up to The Quill, a big bookstore. First we went to the stationary section and I stocked up on pens and pencils. Then we went to get some textbooks for school.

"So, what else do you need?" Zayn asked, after we got Maths Made Easy and Physics Marathon.

"I think, that's it, but do you mind if I get a notebook? Like, for me to write stories in, you know." I asked timidly, not used to asking people for things. "It's not necessary though..."

"Of course, you can get anything you want, Cher. Get as much as you like!" He said good-naturedly, and my heart skipped a beat.

I happily hurried to the other side of the shop where the notebooks were.

I chose a red one with a yellow swirly patterns after due consideration, clutching it to my chest blissfully.

When I was making my way towards the cashier's desk, something on the side rack caught my eye.

It was a plain simple lavender coloured velvet box. I don't know why, but I loved the plainness of it. I think, it was because lavender was Maddie's favourite colour.

I looked at my wrist, where the friendship bracelet was, and I knew what I have to do.

I took the velvet box and went towards Zayn, who was now near the cashier's desk.

"Can we buy this?" I asked him, showing the small box.

"Ofcourse! As I told you before, you can buy anything." He replied, smiling.

After we paid, Zayn presented me with a gift. A book! Turned out that he bought it for me when I was choosing the notebook. The book was called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

"It's the first book of the Harry Potter series. I've read it many times. You would like it." Zayn told me.

"Thank you so much!" I said, too overwhelmed by everything that was happening.

After that, we went to a department store to buy decorations for my room. We chose a light blue lamp to match with my walls. Then fairy lights too.

"Hey, are you hungry?" Zayn asked, as we exited the store. "Let's go to the food court. Our 2 hours are already up."

I agreed, so we headed to the food court after messaging the other boys that our shopping is done.

We found Liam sitting alone at one of the tables with six seats. He had 4 bags around him.

"Hey!" Liam said, noticing us. "Did you buy everything you need?"

I nodded, as me and Zayn kept our bags down.

Just then, Niall came back balancing a tray of food on each hand. And yes, both trays were for him. Typical.

The other 2 boys arrived too. Along with no less than 12 carrier bags.

"Did you buy all this stuff!" I exclaimed when they arrived. "For me?"

"Well these two bags are our things." Said Louis, pointing the 2 bags. "But yes, the rest is yours."

I stared open - mouthed at the remaining 10 bags gathered around the table.

"But...I don't need that much stuff."

"No, you don't." Harry said, ruffling my hair. "But since you're our sister, we've decided to spoil you just a little."

"Well." I said weakly. "Thanks a lot then. I've never ever owned this much stuff in my life."

The rest of us then went to buy lunches for ourselves. After lunch, we went back home. And the car ride was the same.

When we arrived back, Zayn and Liam fought about who is gonna win today's match, Louis went to his room, while Niall and Harry went looking for car keys which had miraculously gotten lost in our 5 minutes of being home.

This boys are crazy, I thought as I helped look for the car keys. But it will be plenty of fun to live here. And I would definitely love it.


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