Daisy Trouble

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Cheryl's POV -

“I want to puke!” The first sentence I heard when I woke up wasn’t exactly inviting.

“Huh, Liam?” I rolled over to the side of my bed to see Liam holding his stomach looking like he really was going to be sick.

“Mate, you’re just not used to alcohol!” Louis said from next to him, patting his back. “Though I have to admit, I’m not feeling really well myself.”

“Is Liam’s kidney going to be alright?” I asked concernedly.

“Actually it is OK for me to drink now, the doctors said.” Liam replied, sitting up while wincing. “But it’s safer if I don’t drink, or only drink a little.” He looked up at me. “How much did I drink? Not too much, right?”

“You guys were so drunk yesterday I could hardly get you home!”

“We are like that, usually.” Harry, who had just woken up, said. “It’s just Liam is usually sober so he can take care of us. Not this time though.”

“Don’t remind me of it.” Liam said, rubbing his head. “I must’ve made myself look like such a fool in front of Ruby. Please tell me I didn’t.”

“You didn’t.” I replied as he wanted me to say. “You looked like an idiotic fool.”

“Oh, shut up.” He moaned, flopping back down on my pillow.

“I know. Hangovers suck, man.” Zayn said sympathetically. “My head hurts so much it’s going to burst. I just want to sleep for the rest of the day.” He crawled into my bed and immediately nodded off.

“What about the rest of you? Wanna eat something, or just sleep?”

“Sleep, I guess.” Louis yawned and went back to his own room.

“Same.” Harry left my room too.

“Since I’m awake, I might as well eat something. And I really need to apologize to Ruby.”

“I’ll make you something to eat. Just get some rest.”

“Thanks, Cher. I love you!”

“Same.” I woke Niall up on my way to the kitchen.

“Niall!” He was sleeping with his head in his pillow, not moving. For one second I thought he suffocated and died. “Niall!” I pushed him until he flipped over. Thankfully, his chest was still rising and falling with each breath. “Niall. Breakfaaast!”

“I don’t want to eat breakfast. Me sick.” He mumbled ruefully. “You nice. But Nialler is sick. Drunk yesterday.”

“OK then, come down when you feel good enough for breakfast. And you really need to work on your grammar, by the way.” I smirked, but he had already buried his head back into his pillow.

I went to the kitchen had made a few plates of bacon and eggs, then brought them up to my room.

“One for me, one for you.” I handed one plate to Liam.

“Thanks, love.”

“Now I want some too.” Harry had just changed into his sweatpants, looking ready to fall asleep but he came back into my room when he smelt food. He peered at my plate wistfully.

“Which is why I prepared a few extra plates.” I smiled, handing him a plate.

Louis heard us talking about food and he suddenly felt hungry too, so he came back over to my room to eat. Zayn couldn’t sleep with everyone eating and talking around him so I prodded him to wake up and eat too. Niall could never resist the smell of bacon, so he woke up and we all had breakfast in my room. Within five minutes, all the plates were licked clean and it looked like they were back to their usual selves.

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