Twins, Brothers & Friends

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Cheryl's POV -

Thankfully, Callie and I weren’t late. We arrived just as the bell finished ringing. We sat in the back row, where the others had already saved us seats.

“Here you go.” Emery handed us each a donut, which we munched on when the teacher’s back was turned. So far, this was one good thing about boarding school. You can just grab food from the cafeteria, so you could just eat your breakfast during class if you were late.

The first lesson was Geography, the ultimate boredom class. Even though I wanted to do well in this school, my brain disobeyed me and strayed to other completely useless but more interesting topics, such as how the teacher managed to keep her hair in that weird curve and the amount of hair gel required for that process. Just like with Lily, we passed notes with each other, keeping me from falling asleep.

The entire day, not much people really noticed me. It was like I was invisible, which worked well for me. Better not be noticed then noticed and bullied. The schoolwork itself was as bit more challenging than usual, but it was OK. I first came face to face with the famous twins during lunch time. I was just getting a drink, but accidentally bumped into Emy. I mean literally.

“Move over, girl.” She said. I scowled, not knowing who she was at first.

“It wouldn’t take you much longer to say it in a polite way, would it?”

Emy ran her eyes all over me. “British accent, weird clothes and no respect. You must be the exchange student!”

Elisa came to her side and they both glared at me. That was when I realized who they were.

“Yes I am.” I replied, not losing my cool. “Now, if you could excuse me, I need to be on my way.” I moved forward, but Elisa was faster and blocked my way.

“You clearly do not know who we are.” She said.

“In fact I do.”

“Then you should know that you must treat us with more respect than you are showing us now!”

“Oh, was I showing you any respect? Wasn’t meaning too. Now, just move over and let me through.”

Emy poured her entire glass of cranberry juice over my head in a swift motion, so that people around the cafeteria whispered among each other, appreciating the drama. I looked down at the green shirt that I was wearing mixed together with cranberry juice. It had a very weird kind of red colour.

“This colour matches your hair. Just saying.”

At that moment, Mia pulled me away from the twins and pushed me into the bathroom.

“Told you not to get on the bad side of them. Before they might’ve just ignored you. But now you’ll be their target victim.” She handed me some paper towels and I dabbed at my shirt. The stain still stood out clearly. “Never mind, just go back and change. I’ll come with you.”

So this was another good point about boarding school. You were free to go to your room whenever you wanted. I went back to my room and changed out of my soaked cranberry shirt and into a fresh one.

“They really are annoying.” I said, referring to the twins. “It’s like they automatically assume that they’re the queens of this school. It disgusts me. The girl back in my old school was exactly the same, except she had a reason for hating me. And this Emy and Elisa don’t even know me!”

“That really is bad luck for you.” Mia said as we left our room and went back to the cafeteria. “Just hope that the twins will get bored of you quickly and find a new victim. They could make your life miserable if they wanted to.”

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