Happy Place

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Cheryl's POV -

Watching TV today would be the second worst decision I've ever taken in my life. First was, letting Reggie go.

The orphanage I was in had only one TV, that too in the main office i.e witch-lady's office. So, no one was allowed in there.

Our connection to the real world was only the small old radio in the playroom. But, the signals were so low in that area, it would play songs breaking the pitch. The news too. Getting the feeling of old days, right?

Back to the present, I know how to work a TV. Even if my parents didn't allowed me anytime, I still watched my father working the remote. So, now when I turn it on from the main switch, it came into life.

It had a news channel on. As I searched for the remote control, I couldn't help but hear the news going on.

'Once again a happy family had become the prey of drinking & driving. Last night, at the main highway going towards the airport, a car was gotten hit by a 18-wheeler truck who was driven by the driver Van Dyke. The driver was pressed charges as he was found under heavy drinking.

'The family who got hit, was the Carter family going to the airport to visit their hometown in Germany. 27-years-old Rusk, with his wife Tanya and their newly adopted 12-years-old daughter Madeleine were looking forward to there 2 weeks vacations. It was death on impact for all three of them...'

My brain had stopped working. I can't think anything right now. It would be a real coincidence if a couple had adopted another 12-year-old girl by the name Madeleine. Not my Maddie. I just sat there, gaping at the TV screen. This shouldn't be happening.

The screen was now showing the site of the accident with the family car wholey crushed. Blood was visible on the glass and the seats inside. But one thing caught my eye near the back open door. And I can recognize it anywhere. 

A bracelet. A friendship bracelet, to be exact. Covered in drops of blood. Just like I have one on my wrist minus the blood.

This one thing cleared all my doubts.



"Will you promise me one thing?" Maddie asked, turning towards me.

We were sitting at the top of the roof, looking at the scenery of the city lights far away.

I nodded, unsure of what she was asking.

"Whenever one of us, it could be anyone of us, will leave this place, the other will not cry and only remember that the one who had gone will be in a happy place." She said, sighing.

"But, it would be anywhere, you know. One will never know where the other is." I said.

"Yes, I know. But that's the point. We'll not know, but we can always assume for the other to be in a happy place. Will you Promise?" She asked again.

"I promise."


"Hey, Cher! What are you watching?" I heard Niall's voice from behind.

But I can't reply. No words are coming out of my mouth. I am in too much shock.

"Cheryl? Hey, what happen? You're looking like you've seen a ghost." Niall was now beside me, rubbing my back.

I just pointed towards the TV and then towards the bracelet on my wrist, whispering one word.


I had promised Maddie, that we'll just assume that the other is in a better place, no matter where they are.

But now, for one thing I know where is she. And definitely she is in a happy place.

I don't know if I should be happy for her that she's in a better place, or be sad for her that she didn't get to live her life to the fullest. But I'm shocked, that's for sure.

"Cheryl? BOYS! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH CHERYL!" Niall yelled for the others.

I didn't turned back, but from the sound of the doors opening, shuffling and the running steps, I knew all boys came down immediately.

"What happened?"


"What is wrong?"

"Are you hurt?"

I looked at everyone's faces one by one. Worry can be seen on everyone's face. Besides Niall, no one was ready properly.

The boys just met me yesterday, but they care for me as they had known me for their entire life. Right, they expect me to be their family.

Like I had promised Maddie, I will be happy. For her. For these boys. For me.

"When I came downstairs, she was sitting here gaping at the TV and at that bracelet on her wrist. Then she said Maddie's name." Niall was explaining to the other boys.

"I...I am sorry. I was just shocked from the news." I said quitely, wiping the single tear that followed.

"Shocked? What happened? What did you saw?" Liam asked me in a kind voice.

"I s...saw M...Maddie. It...It was a car ac...accident. She is...is n...no more." I replied, calming myself.

"Oh my god! We're so sorry, Cherry."Louis hugged me from the side.

"You wanna talk about it?" Harry asked. I noticed his curls were wet with water and he have just a towel around his waist. 

He left the shower to come and check what's wrong with me.

"No." I replied, softly. "I had promised Maddie, that whatever happens, we'll be happy for each other."

They all nodded, looking unsure.

"You're not ready yet! C'mon people! We've to take this little girl shopping! It's never good to keep a lady waiting." Niall said, changing the subject.

I am mentally thanking him right now.

They all nodded again, and went back upstairs.

Maddie's in a safe and happy place, and I'm too.


Hello ppl!

I know it was a crappy chapter. And I'm still asking myself why I had kill someone.

But I'm weird.

If you're liking the book so far,




and ofcourse,



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