Hello Rubiam

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Cheryl's POV -

That night, Liam went to his date with Ruby. He was putting on his leather jacket in front of a mirror when I walked into his room.

“I. Can’t. Wait. Ahh!” He screamed at his reflection, not noticing that I was there. “I just can’t---”

“Good evening.” I said pleasantly.

“Ahh!” He screamed again, this time directing it to me. “What are you doing in here?” He flushed red.

“Niall told me to give this back to you.” I tossed him a bottle of hair product. “And are you alright? You are looking rather flustered.”

“I’m going on a date with Ruby!” He twirled around and plopped down onto his bed. “Which will probably be the last official date in a while. I have so little time nowadays to just spend time with her.”

“Sad.” I said, half sarcastically half sympathetically. “But while you’re at it, you should ask her if she’s alright. She was acting kinda weird when I bumped into her this morning. I think she’s sick or something. She barely talked at all.”

“Oh no my poor baby!” Liam said worriedly.

“Oh no my poor baby!” I mimicked him.

“Shut up.” Liam glared at me.

“You shut up.” I shot back. He rolled his eyes.

“Are you sure Ruby was acting all weird?”

“Yeah. But since you’re her boyfriend and all, you should go ask her about it. Bye.” I walked out of the room.

Liam left the house half an hour later, dressed in a leather jacket and skinny jeans. He stood in front of the boys nervously, tugging at the collar of his shirt. “What do you think of this outfit?” Harry walked around him, looking at him thoughtfully.

“Suits you well. You look great. Now go and meet up with your girl!” Harry pushed him out of the living room. “He is just worried about everything! It’s maybe his last date with Ruby for a few weeks, and he wants everything to be perfect.” Harry said to the rest of us.

“He worries too much.” Louis stated.

“I know.” I laughed. “But someone in the family has to worry. If he didn’t worry, you’d all be in jail by now and I’d be homeless.”

“Quite a fact.”

That evening, we had the possibly least-romantic dinner of all time, which was probably opposite of Liam and Ruby's date. We got Nandos and ate on the sofa, fried chicken in one hand and phone in another.

We just ‘lazied’ our night away, not doing much. We were all slouching on the sofa when we heard the door bang open. Liam ran inside, breathing heavily, his face red.

“What’s wrong?” I asked immediately. “Liam, are you alright?”

“Fine, I’m fine.” Liam said quickly, flopping down onto the sofa. He breathed in and breathed out slowly, as if each breath took him a lot of energy. Like I had seen on Ruby's face this morning, a variety of feelings were clear in Liam’s face. He seemed really nervous, twitching at every word we said, but I could tell that he was really happy too. Weird.

“Mate. You are clearly not alright.” Louis said calmly, putting a hand on Liam’s arm. “Spit it out.”

“No—thing…” Liam pushed us away from him. “Just. Received some…news. I’ll tell you guys later. But for now…I need some time to think. Leave me alone.” He stood up and left the room abruptly.

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