Surprise Surprise!

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Cheryl's POV -


And I hopped up from my place on the floor, and jumped into his outstretched arms.

"You're here! You're really here. I can't believe it. How can it be? I thought I will never meet you again." Happy tears were streaming down my face, and I was hugging him tightly, him doing the same.

"Yes, I'm here." He said, crying too. "I missed you so much, Cher. At first I couldn't believe it when one of your brothers called two weeks ago. I thought I would never see you again. But here you are, all grown up and safe."

He wiped off the tears from my face, and then smiled looking at me.

He was just like I remembered him. Only older.

"Don't cry. I'm here, in front of you." He said, hugging me again.

We stayed like that for some seconds. I noticed Louis still standing in the doorway, smiling at us.

I looked around the room then, finding all of my brothers looking at us smiling, while their girlfriends were near to tears.

"So, do you like your gift, Cherry?" Louis asked, coming over to us and keeping a hand on Reggie's shoulder.

I didn't replied, just hugged him tightly around his waist. He will get his answer.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." Louis joked, then turned towards Reggie. "So young lad, I'm taking the responsibility of introducing you to others as I'm the oldest here."

Reggie looked at me, unsure and I shrugged and mouthed Go with it.

This was Louis we were talking about. And I knew why Reggie was unsure. Louis was still Santa Claus.

"I'm gonna start with myself. Hello, lad! I'm Louis, the Tommo Tomlinson. Cherry's oldest brother, but can qualify after the Daddy Direction because I don't act like one."

What an introduction.

"Babe, come here." Peyton came and stood beside Louis. "And this is my beautiful girlfriend Peyton."

"Hi, Reggie." Peyton said, shaking Reggie's hand. "I've heard a lot about you. Ooh, and Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you." Reggie replied, politely.

"You are too polite, young lad." Louis said. "I would have to take you under my wing for tomorrow as you're staying here."


"He is staying?" I asked, excitedly.

"Yeah. We asked his family." Liam replied to me. "He is going to stay till tomorrow evening. Yes, he is staying the night."

I was too happy, and sensing my happiness Pippin was also dancing around.

"Moving on." Louis pulled Reggie and stood him infront of Liam and Ruby, who were sitting on the sofa. "This, my friend, is The Daddy Direction and beside him is his pretty girlfriend, no scratch that, his pretty new fiancé. I'm warning you right now that be in his good books, or he will set spoons on you."

This time Liam was successful in kicking Louis.

"Nice to meet you, Reggie." Liam said, shaking Reggie's hand. "I'm Liam and this is Ruby. Don't pay attention to Louis. He exaggerates sometimes."

Louis huffed dramatically.

"Reggie!" Ruby stood up, and pulled Reggie in a warm hug, just like she did when she first met me. "At last we get to meet you. We have heard a lot about you. You look a lot similar like Cheryl. It's like we're really seeing Cheryl's male version. Happy Birthday."

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