Lily Knows

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Cheryl's POV -

On Monday, I went to school with the hope that Katie would still be stuck with the dentist, or could have somehow died while she was cleaning her teeth. But, nope, my hope did not come true. Katie was very much alive and well when I got to school on Monday. She was standing with her group of puppets near the school entrance, chatting. I sighed. I turned and waved half-heartedly at Liam who was in the car. He waved back and gave me an encouraging smile, but I grimaced back.

OK, here goes, I thought as I stalked pass Katie and towards my locker. She didn’t give any indication that she noticed me. Good. I went to my locker where Lily was hanging about, probably looking around for me.

“Hey, Lily.” I said as I opened my locker and started taking books out.

“Hey.” She said. “Did you see Katie is back?”

“Of course.” I replied, slamming my locker shut. We started walking to our classroom.

“She ignored me.” Lily continued, “Did she ignore you too?”

“Uh huh.” I replied. Then the teacher came in and we shut up for a while. I doodled on my notebook aimlessly, thinking how great it would be if Niall and Hannah got together. I know, I know, they only met and I shouldn’t be thinking of this kind of stuff, but at least it’s more interesting than lame rockets that the teacher was droning on about. I saw Lily tear a piece of paper out of her notebook, scrawl something on it, then passed it to me. I did a quick check to see the teacher wasn’t around, and opened it.

L: My mum is going to the dentist after school. Can I go to yours for around 2 hours?

P: Yeah, I guess. I’ll have to text my parents to make sure. BTW, are you sure it’s not the same dentist K went to?

We continued this kind of aimless chat while I took out my phone. I saw that I had already received a text from Harry.

Going to interview later. You go home by yourself. We’ll be back by then. Harry xx

I replied, typing fast to make sure the teacher didn’t see me.

OK. L wants to come for 2 hours. Can she? Please??? Cher ooo(only hugs not kisses mwahaha)

I got a reply a minute later. I opened the text up.

I guess so. I need to ask Liam first. Harry (Fine. Hugs.)

I rolled my eyes. Ask Liam? Seriously?

Why do you need to ask Li. Can’t you decide by yourself? Thx anyways.

I put my phone away and tried to concentrate on force and gravity, failing miserably. Finally, the hour of torture was over. Me along with all my classmates walked out of the classroom like zombies.

“What’s the next lesson?” Lily asked me, yawning loudly.

“Geography.” I answered promptly. I had already memorized the timetable. “And it’s OK, you can come to my house later.”

“Thanks.” Lily said. We went into the Geography and started another hour of boredom. It was in the middle of the lesson when the class was in half-slumber that Katie tossed a paper ball at me. I glanced at her. She mimed opening it. I ignored her and continued to write my notes, but curiosity got the better of me. I couldn’t resist the temptation, so I reached out for the paper ball and started unfolding it. Inside was one sentence, and it was obviously written by Katie.

My dad will be here after school, you will get what you deserve.

I sneaked another glance at her. She smiled back maliciously. I gulped. That was bad news. And the boys won’t even be here with me. What perfect timing, I thought sarcastically. At least I’ll be with Lily, and I don’t think my ‘uncle’ will go to far.  I crumpled the piece of paper up and shoved it in the back of my backpack, trying to forget all about it. Sure enough, five minutes later, my brain was already in sleep mode. I half-listened to what the teacher was saying, and half-dreamed about becoming a best-selling author.

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