Going away

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Cheryl's POV -

Eventually, Hemily died down, and our lives were pretty back to normal.

The rest of the morning passed away with the boys practicing and me reading.

But the real problem came in the afternoon.

“Everyone in the living room!” Liam yelled suddenly. “We have something to discuss!”

I sat next to Niall on the sofa and put my legs on the table.

“Legs off the table!” Louis, Zayn and Liam said at the exact same time as they walked into the room.

“Hah! We knew you would say that, Liam!” Louis and Zayn high-fived.

“Stop it!” Liam scolded. “Listen, I have some news.”

“What?” We all leaned in to hear what he had to say.

“We need to fly to America now and stay there for a night.”

“Noooooooooooooooooo!” Louis said loudly. “I don’t want to go!”

“I don’t want to go either, but we need to meet someone there and talk about next year’s tour dates.”

“Then what about me?” I asked.

“You should just stay here, we’ll find someone to stay with you.” Liam said.

“Oh, OK.” I said. “You need to go now?”

“The flight is due in four hours.” He said. We all looked at the clock hanging above the kitchen table. “So we should leave here soon.”

“I need to start packing first.” Zayn said, and I followed him up to his room.

“What’s America like?” I asked as he started shoving clothes into a suitcase.

“You’ve never been there?” He asked, looking surprised.

“I’ve never been to another country all my life.” I said.

“It’s very…fast.” He said, “It feels like all the people there are living in fast-forward.”

“Why does that sound so familiar?” I asked, racking my brain.

“It’s from one of our songs!” He said, then started singing. I lay down on his bed and closed my eyes listening to him sing Up All Night.

“You can sing higher than me, Zayn.” I commented.

“Yay!” He squealed like a girl. “I can sing high!

He sang more songs while I lay there watching the clouds from his window.

“Hey, do you want Iris to come stay with you tonight?” He asked suddenly. “She still wants to get to know you more, and right now you're her cousin."

“Sure!” I said. Zayn phoned Iris and it was settled. She would arrive at 5 o’clock.

Zayn was searching for some clean socks when he came across a cat fuzzy slipper. He threw it at me.

“Help me give this to Harry, won’t you?” He asked. I walked across the hall into Harry’s room.

“Your slipper, boyfriend.” I said, throwing it at him so it hit him in the head.

“Oh, hello pussycat, I found you!” His mouth split into a smile when he saw it. “By the way, Cheryl, Ashlyn offered to stay with you tonight. She’s already on her way, she’ll be here at five.”

“Oh, she’s on her way already?”

Just then, Niall ran into our room, a toothbrush in one hand and his phone in another.

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