Birthday No.1

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Cheryl's POV -

I was woken up on a cold snowing Christmas Eve by a very freaky boy sitting on the end of my bed, staring at me mischievously.

“Gosh, Louis, you scared me!” I exclaimed once I registered who that was.

“That’s the greeting I get on my birthday?” He pouted.

“Sorry, Lou. Happy Birthday, my big, old brother.” I hugged him.

“That’s what I was waiting to hear.” Louis nodded satisfactorily. “Thanks. Now, do you know where did my four best friends go? I can’t find them anywhere!”

I subconsciously glance towards my window, seeing a footprint on the windowsill. Above us I could faintly hear some whispers.

“Oh. I think they, er, went out to…buy you presents!” I grinned in the most convincing way I could. “Yeah. They forgot about your birthday, so they headed out to get you a last-minute present. Don’t let them know I told you, please?”

“Fine.” Louis replied grudgingly.

“What time is it now?”

“I’ve been 22 for nine hours already.”

“Oh.” The party should start in an hour.

“I’ll make you breakfast and then I’ve got a something for you to do.” I said, hopping out of bed and slipping a hoodie on over my pajamas.

“Breakfast sounds nice, but I’m not so sure about the latter. What do you want me to do? Homework? Wash the dishes?”

“Nope. It’s a treasure hunt.”

“Ooh!” Louis clasped his hands together and looking at me with shining eye looking 5 more than 22 years old. “What treasure?”

“You’ll see.” I gave him a plate of pancakes, but they were no ordinary pancakes. I had put some food colouring in it, and also added icing and sprinkles, so it resembled a birthday cake.

The real birthday cake we had prepared for him though, was much grander, so I didn’t want Louis to feel so full. I watched him eat impatiently, because I didn’t want to be late for the birthday party. The boys had left me in charge to take care of him before the actual party.

“Faster, faster, faster.” I hurried him while he chewed. “Bite, chomp, swallow, repeat. Come on! Bite, chomp, swallow, repeat.”

“What’s the hurry, kiddo? Can’t this old man enjoy his breakfast in peace?”

“Nuh uh uh.” I pulled him away from the kitchen table once his plate was cleared. I dragged him all the way to his room and pointed at a piece of paper taped on his bedside table.

“That’s one of the clues.” I explained. “Now look for the others. Quick.”

The first clue was ‘Where Harry almost ate your face’. Louis chuckled. “I think I know where that is.” He went to the kitchen and found a piece of paper taped onto the wall.

“Why did you have to have such good memory?” I sighed.

“I have the brain of a genius.” Louis replied, opening the second piece of paper. “‘Where we first saw Peyton’. Now this is tricky. I think Zayn and Harry saw her in my room, didn’t they?”


“Er, when did they first see her? I think it was when she came to stay with you for that night, wasn’t it? I’m guessing they saw her somewhere near the front door.”

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