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Cheryl's POV -

"We haven't got much to do today," Niall said. "This week was a break for us, and we go back the day after tomorrow, but we still have to go to that one interview today."

"Ruby is visiting," Liam informed, "And I think Harry is going to see Daisy."

"Who's Ruby, and Daisy?" I asked.

"Ruby is my girlfriend." Liam said, smiling slightly. I remembered the photo in his room.

"The one you've the photo with? Holding hands?"

"Oh, so you saw that. Yes, she's my girlfriend. She's really nice, you'll get along quite well with her." Liam said.

"I'm sure I will," I replied. "The two of you looked like you were meant for each other."

"You think?"

"Definitely!" I complemented truthfully.

"And Daisy is Harry's girlfriend." Niall answered my second question. "I think she's horrible, but Harry is all over her."

"Interesting." I said, keen to hear a little gossip around the household. "What do you mean?"

"She has no compassion at all and she acts like she's the rightful queen and we're her servants. Well, Harry met her through management and we thought it would just be a public stunt as she's a business man's daughter and all. But overtime, she grew over Harry. Personally, I think she's only after Harry because he's famous and good-looking."

"Really?" I said. "She sounds like a storybook character. I kinda want to see for myself what she's like."

"You might meet her someday, but now might not be a good time. I don't want her to say anything hurtful to you." I got where Liam was coming from. "You are meeting Ruby today though. I've told her about our adoption plans before, and she fully supports the idea. She would never tell anyone."

"Oh, I want to meet her too." I said excitedly. That means I will have one female species to talk to, and not just five weird boys. "How old is she?"

"19" Liam said with a smile. "I'm sure the two of you will become great friends."

"I wish that too." I suddenly realised that I didn't know if the other boys had relationships at all.

"Do the other three of you have girlfriends?" I asked Niall.

"Me and Louis doesn't." Niall replied. "But Zayn does. She's called Iris."

"Is she nice then?"

"Yeah. Very, actually. But she and Zayn aren't really taking it that seriously. Zayn doesn't make much effort."

"That's too bad." I said, just as Harry came down the stairs with an awakened Zayn.

"Morning!" I greeted him. "How long did it take for Harry to wake you up?"

"3 minutes exactly." Harry answered for him. "I guess I broke the record, if I'm not mistaken."

"Yeah, yeah, we know you're awesome." Louis said, joining us. "What're we going to do now?"

"Ruby is coming here, to meet Cheryl specially. So I can't go out now. But we need to find some time today to go register Cheryl into school, before the interview." Liam explained to everyone.

"Aren't we supposed to register the day after tomorrow, when I go to school?" I asked.

"That was the original plan," Liam replied. "But we don't want any of your classmates seeing us, so we'll just go today, when no one's at school."

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