[Author's Note]

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Hey there you awesome readers!

Thank you for all your votes and amazing comments!

When I started this book in December, I was afraid if it will ever get completed. This was my first try of being an author, I doubted myself.

I dont care if One Direction is not together anymore and doing their solo career, they are still the 5 boys I have loved from the start. When One Direction was formed at X-Factor, I was 7 years old. I still remember their journey to the top.

I'm gonna love them, no matter what.

I had asked some of my readers, if they wanted a Sequel to this book, and I got a positive response.
But, I need your help again to select a good title for the sequel.
I have some ideas I would like to share. Vote for the title that you like in the inline comments.

1) Adopted by that OneBand - Part 2

2) Where We Are

3) Days of the World Tour


If you have any other ideas, just message me.

You have till 20th April.

When I'll release the sequel, I will inform you people.

Thank you. ☺

Adopted by that OneBand! | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now