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Cheryl's POV -

As I flopped onto my bed, I felt relieved. I mean, I loved the boys' company, but it still is quite a shock for me and I did need time alone to do nothing but think.

A lot of things dashed through my mind. First, telling them about my past. I had only told Maddie about my parents behaviour and my brother. The witch-lady from the orphanage didn't really bothered me in telling her.

Till today, I had kept Reggie on the back of my mind. Sure I miss him. But it brings tears to my eyes just thinking that he would never meet me again.

Remembering him while telling the boys today was so sad. I wanted him to wrap his arms around me like he used to do when I couldn't sleep at night. The way he did when he last hugged me when he was leaving the orphanage.

I burried my head into my big fluffy pillow, and forced myself to think of something else. Oh yeah, the shopping trip. I was actually quite looking forward to it.

I had never ever shopped in my life, and I had always listened wistfully to the girls at my old school when they talked about buying brandnew clothes and phones.

I wondered if the boys would get me a phone. I certainly hoped so. Owning one would be cool.

Owning a book would be good too, I thought. Just sitting quitely while reading about someone else's life would be quite relaxing.

Oh, and a notebook! I'd definitely want one to write my stories in.

The list of things I needed went on and on. I shuddered. I didn't want to make the boys broke.

I slowly fell asleep, shopping still going round and round in my mind. As I fell into deeper sleep, my dream slowly changed...

A man, a familiar man was advancing on me holding a belt threateningly. I crouched on the floor, curled up like a ball and whimpered, too scared to even move away.

"Please, no!" I heard someone say. "Please, don't hurt her..."

It happened in an instance. He swung the belt down onto my neck and the metal part hit me violently, leaving a deep cut. He kept doing this over and over again, and the cut grew deeper and deeper. I was loosing too much blood.

I saw someone else coming close to me and I opened my mouth to yell, and the scream went on and on...


Liam's POV -

I jolted awake from sleep to hear someone screaming.

It was a girl screaming and it dawned on me that it would be Cheryl.

I ran towards Cheryl's room to find my guess correct.

She was tossing around on her bed, holding her hand to her neck and screaming loudly.

"Cheryl, wake up! CHERYL!" Her eyes flew open at the sound of my voice as I was shaking her.

She sat up, shivering, her hand still pressed up against her neck.

"What happened, are you okay? You were screaming so loudly!" I was scared for her. Tears were running down her face.

"It's ...nothing. Just a bad dream...My dad..." She was choking on her words.

I wanted to stop her but she continued, sobbing uncontrollably, "My dad, he was hitting me, with a belt, my neck, blood, hurts..."

I picked her up and she wrapped her hands around my neck and her legs around my torso. She was light weighted. She was crying terribly in the crook of my neck and I so much wanted her to stop crying. I didn't wanted her to suffer.

For 20 minutes I walked around her room, whispering soothing words in her ears until she got calmer.

As I tried to unattached her from myself and lay her down on her bed, she said softly,

"Liam? Can I sleep with you tonight? I can't sleep on my own."

She was afraid to ask me, I can tell.

"Ofcourse, love." I said, and carried her to my room.

I was not surprised that none of the other boys have woken up because of her screaming. The hallway between the two sides of rooms is big and she shared her another wall with Zayn.

I gently laid her down on my bed and got myself settled beside her under the covers. She snuggled close to me, and I stroked her hair but then I felt something on her neck.

It was a scar, I guessed. It was on the same part of the neck she was holding during her bad dream.

I fingered it slowly, and she shivered. I glanced at her.

"The dream wasn't just a dream, was it? It had happened before." I said softly, hoping against it.

She nodded.

I felt so bad for her. She was brave enough to tell us about her past on the first day here and I wanted nothing more for her to trust us.

"We're here for you now, and everything else is the past. We'll never let anyone hurt you, alright? From now on, everything will be different." And I'll definitely try to be true on my words.

I gently kissed her on top of her head, and we fell asleep.


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