This Is Family

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Cheryl's POV -

We drove to a building ten minutes away from our house, and parked the car near the back of the building. I could faintly hear the voices of the fans from the other side of the building. Judging from the noise, a lot of fans turned up to try to catch a glimpse of One Direction. Or maybe me, a voice in my head reminded. I was glad we could go through the back entrance so I didn’t need to face the fans. We were ushered by some security guards into a dressing room, where a girl was in.

“Hello!” The young girl about the same age as Niall greeted us. She had auburn hair in soft curls, and an assortment of rings on her fingers. “I’m Kaycee, and Simon hired me to be Cheryl's stylist for, well, interviews and so on. Nice to meet you guys.” She shook the boys’ hands and then mine eagerly.

“Nice to meet you too.” Louis said like a real gentleman. “Now, we’ll just leave Cher to you, and we’ll go to our own dressing room. We’ll meet you outside, yeah?”

“Sure! I’ll get Cheryl looking perfect in twenty minutes.” Kaycee nodded.

Liam glanced at his watch. “Make that fifteen, we’re already running late.”

The boys left to change into their own outfits, and I was left alone with Kaycee.

“So…” Kaycee dragged the word out as she walked around me. “OK, I got it.” She went to a rack of clothes by the wall and started pulling dresses out. “No…maybe…we could work with that perhaps, aha! Per-fect.” Her last exclamation reminded me of Liam in the Best Song Ever music video, but I brushed that thought off and concentrated.

“Here you go.” It was a dress in bright mint green with daisies printed all over it, with lace around the waist.

“You sure?” I was a bit doubtful. It wasn’t really my style and it was just so…bright. Like I was going to be in the spotlight.

“You need to stand out more, Simon’s instructions.” She said, reading my thoughts. She found a few cool bracelets for me to wear, and also a cute daisy necklace. For shoes, Kaycee found me a pair of green floral-printed flats. By then we were already late, so Kaycee just gave me a bow to clip my hair back, which completed my look.

“Go on.” She checked my outfit once more to see if there were any flaws, and once I passed her inspection, she led me into another room where the boys were already seated.

“Hey.” I said breathlessly, sitting down carefully on the sofa, careful not to let creases from in the dress. A person came around and started swiping some makeup on me in lightning speed. I tried to talk while mascara was being applied to my eyelashes.

“When does the interview start?” I asked.

“In a minute.” A man whom I didn’t notice at first answered me. “Hi, I’m Derrick, and I’ll be your interviewer today. Very pleased to meet you, Ms…Payne, is it?”

“Yes, you can call me Cheryl.” I said shyly. My fingers played with the fabric of my dress as the cameraman started to count down. I was really nervous, I felt like I had to go somewhere and throw up, but at the same time I was petrified and couldn’t budge.

“Chill.” Harry whispered, taking my hand and rubbing circles on the back of it. “Just think of it like chatting with friends. We’ll cover for you if you don’t know what to say. Relax, love.”

“You’re on in 3...2…1.” The cameraman signaled that it had started.

“Hello everybody, welcome to the Star Show.” Derrick put on a fake cheery voice. “Today, I am joined by the world’s biggest boy band, One Direction, and their adoptive sister—Cheryl Payne.”

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