A Lazy Day Around Pt. 1

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Cheryl's POV -

The next morning I woke up, I was alone in my bed. I looked at the clock. 11:34 AM.

I could hear noises coming from downstairs. I will be the last one to wake up, I thought and got up. I made my way downstairs.

I entered the living room area where Louis was sat cross legged on the sofa singing along to a kids show called Mickey Mouse clubhouse. Yes, a kids TV show. He knew every word.

"Louis, are you okay?" I asked, looking at him like he had serious mental issues.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" He asked, completely confused.

"Because not many twenty year old guys know a kid show's theme tune" I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Who doesn't know the Mickey Mouse clubhouse theme tune" he sassed.

"Pretty much anyone over the age of seven" I pointed out.

He pouted at me and I walked into the kitchen, maybe I'd find a normal brother in there.

Zayn and Harry were sat at the table texting on their phones. I sat down next to Harry who quickly hid his screen from my view.

"What?" I laughed.

"If Liam knew you saw what I was texting then he'd kill me" he said, holding his hands up in defence.

"Do you think Louis has got problems" I brought up.

"Yes" Zayn confirmed seriously.

"Uh huh" Harry nodded, "but why do you ask that now?"

"Oh, he was just singing along to a little kids program" I said.

"Again?" Harry whined.

"He's done it before?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, he'll watch those shows whenever he's in charge of the remote"

"But isn't that a bit...I don't know...weird?"

"Yeah but he's like that. He doesn't like anyone interrupting him." Zayn said.

"Ohh." Weird. Harry served me 2 pancakes.

"Oh wow, these are delicious. Who is this amazing chef?" I asked, biting on my breakfast.

"That would be me. When I'm feeling to cook, I cook. You know, before the band formed I used to work in a bakery." Harry informed me.

"Really?" I asked, not at all believing him. Zayn nodded.

Oh well, this boys are giving me new shocks and surprises each day.

"What're we doing today?" It's like, I ask this question everyday whenever I'm having breakfast.

"We don't know." Both of them shrugged. "Ask Liam." Harry said.

As on queue, Liam walked into the kitchen...with the TV remote?

"I had to take it from Louis." He said, keeping it over the fridge. "In return I gave him 2 carrots. It's better than having to hear a kid show's tune in the morning."

We all nodded in return.

"And we don't have to go anywhere today." Liam continued. "It's a free day before our work starts again tomorrow. So we can just sit at home and enjoy it with Cheryl."

Zayn and Harry cheered at that. I would also like to spent some time with all of them.

I finished my breakfast, and walked into the living room again.

Louis was now sat cross legged in front of a large cabinet stacked with DVDs, munching on a carrot.

I took the carrot from his hand and sat beside him.

"What's up Doc?" I said, trying to imitate Bugs Bunny, remembering one of the cartoon characters I had seen in my early life.

"You're funny." He said, taking the carrot back. "Trying to pick a film to watch. What movie do you want to watch?"

"No point in asking me. I don't really remember watching a movie with my parents. But I remember I've only ever watched one film, and that was a wildlife documentary at school" I said.

Louis gave me a sad smile.

"Anyway, what film do you want to watch?" I asked him, trying to change the subject.

"How about Toy Story, I know Liam would be pleased if we watched it" he said, sliding the case out of the shelf.

"Okay" I said.

I had heard the kids at school talking about this movie before and it sounded really good. I had been stupid enough to ask my parents if we could watch it but instead my Dad gave me an extra good beating for being ungrateful.

I remember Reggie promising me one time, when we'll be old enough, we'll buy our own house away from our parents' and live life our own way. Play around, watch movies and whatever we want. But now, I don't think he will be able to complete his promise.

"What are we doing today?" Niall interrupted my thoughts.

"Payne said we don't have to go anywhere today." Louis replied. "So we are gonna have a lazy movie day!"

"I am now going to get my onesie on" Harry passed by us like a soldier and marched upstairs.

"Me to!" Niall ran after him.

"Might as well follow them." Liam said to the rest of us, following behind Niall.

We all went to our own rooms. I go through my closet, and find a light blue onesie with snowflakes design over it.

I changed myself into it and went back downstairs.

When I got into the lounge the other boys were already in there, fighting about who got to sit where.

"You got to sleep next to her last night" Louis tried to push Harry out of the way.

"I haven't even got to talk to her properly." Niall argued.

"Thats not our fault" Harry, Louis and Zayn said in unison.

Liam came in to the lounge in a sky-blue coloured onesie and sat down at one of the sofas. He patted the spot next to him.

After a few more minutes of arguing the other boys realised that Liam and I were already in the room and sat comfortably on one of the sofas.

"That's not fair!" Louis wined, "Liam gets to do everything"

"You should of been quicker then." Liam said sassily. Louis scowled at him.

Before anyone could do anything Zayn had leapt through the air and was sat on the sofa next to me. He grinned.

"You snooze, you lose" he said simply, kicking his legs onto the coffee table and resting his head back on his hands.

Harry grumbled something inaudible, Louis made sure to kick Zayn when he walked to the other sofa and Niall stole the popcorn off of Liam and placed it in his own lap. So the seating arrangements ended up with me sitting in between Zayn and Liam and Niall sitting in between Louis and Harry on the other sofa.

This is going to be fun.


Hey there ppl!

Question for this chapter :

What's the first movie you watched ever in your life?

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