Epilogue - Part 2

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Cheryl's POV -

Once the cameras were off, Derrick hurried away quickly, and the six of us were escorted to our separate dressing rooms. Kaycee was in mine just like the last time.

“How was this interview?” Kaycee asked conversationally, helping me take off my inhumanly tight boots.

“So and so.” I shrugged. “I’m scared that I won’t get to go on tour with the boys though. Simon hasn’t agreed to it yet.”

I had become quite close friends with Kaycee from the few times we had met together to discuss my outfits for some public events, so now I mostly told her everything. She was like a big sister to me, and since she was older than Lily, she had more experience so I could get advice from her. And she also wasn’t that close with the boys, so I could assure that she wouldn’t go blab my secrets to the boys, unlike one of the boys’ girlfriends.

“Really? I thought he would’ve come to a decision by now.”

“Me too.” I sighed. “I do think he has. Maybe his decision was negative so the boys kept it a secret from me.”

“Have they ever kept a secret from you?” Kaycee asked.

“No.” I said without a thought. “Actually…yeah they have, once. It was when they had decided to send me to America, and they didn’t want to tell me so early, so they kept it a secret.”

“Oh…then there is a possibility that Simon’s answer was no and they haven’t told you yet.” Kaycee told me.

“Yeah.” I sighed again. “But I’m just hoping for the best, you know. I really wish they would hurry up and tell me what’s really going on, I hate being in the dark like this.”

“After all, they’re just doing this to protect you. They love you so much they don’t want to hurt you, and you should be thankful about that.”

“I am.” I swung my bag over my shoulders. “I’ll go ask them about it later this night. Thanks for the chat, Kaycee.”

“Take care, kiddo.” Kaycee opened the door for me and waved me goodbye.

Since it was my second time there in The Star Show’s building, I found my way out pretty easily without getting lost and also without bumping into my uncle. I went into the car where the boys were already waiting, and we drove back home.

“What took you so long?” Zayn asked.

“I was just having a chat with Kaycee, my stylist.”

“Who?” Zayn asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“The stylist we met last time who had that auburn hair. Duh.” Louis rolled his eyes. “You, Zayn, have a terrible memory.”

We drove in silence for ten minutes. When the car turned into the road where our house was, I finally plucked up the courage to tell the boys what had been on my mind for a while.

“Hey, guys?” I started.

“What’s up, Cher? Something bothering you?” Niall asked.

“Oh yeah, there must be. I saw you looking troubled during the interview just now.” Louis stated, “Is everything alright?”

“Not everything.” I bit my lip. “Is there something you should tell me that you haven’t yet?”

“What? No!” Harry made a ‘pfft’ sound. “Why should there be?”

I gave him a piercing look. Harry really was the worst liar ever. “Please, Harry. You know keeping it from me won’t make me feel any better. Might as well tell me and get it over and done with.”

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