First day of school

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Cheryl's POV -

I woke up the next morning with my head on Niall’s lap. I wondered what we’d do today, then reality dawned me. It was the first day of school. The day I dreaded the most. Argh.

I quickly woke Niall up. Once he opened his eyes, I fired questions at him.

“It’s the first day of school, right? Who’s driving me there? Am I going to be late? Is there a dress code? Am I going to buy lunch at school? When does school end? Can I please not go to school today? Do you remember how to drive to school?”

He looked at me sleepily and answered all the questions.

“Yes, me, no, I don’t know, yes, 4 o’clock, of course not, yes---oh wait, I don’t!”

“What? Niall, didn’t you check?” I exclaimed. Now how was I going to go to school?

“Don’t worry, I think Harry can drive you.” Niall said, running his hand through his hair.

“OK then, I’ll go up and get ready, you go check and see if Harry’s awake!”

“I know, I know.” I heard Niall say, then I went back to my own room to get ready.

I looked through my closet fretfully. What was I going to wear? I didn’t know if the people at Willow Falls dressed casual, smart or dressy. Eventually, I chose an orange tank top, because I was so nervous my entire body was sweating. It didn’t feel like fall at all, it felt like the middle of summer. I paired it with a pair of dark green jeans and also put on a light washed denim jacket. For my hair, I just put on a green bow headband and let my hair down. Afterwards, I put on my black high top sneakers. I looked at myself through my mirror. I looked OK, I guess. Kind of laidback but still like I made some effort.

After changing, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. By the time I went back downstairs, all the boys were up and ready, including Zayn. I tried to eat some cereal, but it stuck to my throat. I was too nervous to eat.

“Come on, Cheryl.” Said Zayn. “As I’ve said a million times before, you’re going to be fine. Don’t worry! Act normal like you do with us and all your classmates will be fighting to be friends.”

I nodded, my smile a little strained. I forcefully gulped down a mouthful of cereal, then stood up, swinging my backpack up on my shoulders.

“Can we go now, Harry?” I asked. “I want to arrive a bit early.”

“Of course, babe.” He replied, and went to get the keys, which he thankfully located in two minutes.

“Bye guys.” I said to the others. “Wish me luck.”

“I’ll give some of my Irish luck.” Niall said, pulling me into a hug.

“Thanks Niall,” I smiled at him, then went to hug all the others.

I waved at them one last time when I went out the front door, and they waved back solemnly, like I was a soldier going off to war.
I jumped into the car and Harry drove off. He turned on the radio, and we listened to the weather. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and just reached out to turn off the radio.

“The radio’s making me even more nervous,” I explained to Harry. “Tell me truthfully, did people bully you when you were in school?”

“They just teased me sometimes about my curly hair, but that’s all.” Harry replied. “Not meaning to boast, but I was quite popular in my school, especially among girls, Once…”

“Oh, shut up.” I said. “I get it.”

I was silent in the remainder of the journey, and when the car pulled up to the front of the school, I was too petrified to move. Harry got out of the car and helped me open the car door.

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