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Cheryl's POV -

We stopped by the supermarket on the way home, because I needed to buy ingredients for making dinner that night. When we got home, I started cooking dinner, and the boys went upstairs to practice their singing. Well, they practiced for 5 minutes. The rest of the time was spent by them mucking around, changing lyrics and singing in girly voices. Once, they came into kitchen to see what I was cooking, but I covered their eyes and told them to wait.

Two hours later, dinner was ready. I served my lasagna to the boys, along with honey chicken wings and broccoli with cheese. I hadn’t made anything this complicated before, but I held my breath and attempted it—they did turn out quite tasty.

“This all looks delicious! Thanks a lot, Cherry.” Louis was already stuffing his mouth.

“You’re welcome!” I said, and starting eating too. It was really delicious.

After dinner, Liam suggested that we go for a run.

“Run?” Shouted Zayn almost aggressively. “Never in a million years!”

“Why not?” I asked. “Running is relaxing, plus you get a good workout.”

“No freaking way.” Harry shook his head. “Besides, we don’t have any clothes that are suitable for running.”

“I have loads, I could lend you some!” Liam said brightly and ran back upstairs.

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Niall called up the stairs, but Liam was already coming down, with four sets of running clothes in his hands. He tossed the other boys each a set. Louis picked his up with two fingers and looked at them disgustingly.

“We never wear that.” He said.

“There’s always a first time.” Liam replied. “Come on, get changed, we’ll go out in a few minutes. Trust me, running will be fun.”

“Yeah, do this for me guys, OK?” I added, then I went back to my room to get changed.

I looked through my closet. Yup, the boys did buy me sportswear. I put on a hot pink tank top and turquoise leggings. I looked through my collection of shoes and found a pair of cool running shoes, and put them on along with a red sports cap. All done. I went back downstairs, where the boys were still complaining. Only Liam was ready to go.

“Oh, come on!” I said. “How hard can running be?”

“Very, when you’re running with Liam.” Louis replied. “You don’t know what he’s like. If you’re running with him, you’ll be dead within 30 seconds. I’m not joking.”

“Exactly.” Niall agreed. “There’s nothing enjoyable about running anyway.”

“Yeah, there is!” I said indignantly. “When I run, I feel…free. Like no one in the world could stop me.”

In the orphanage, I was always trapped within the walls. Only when I ran could I feel free, feel that I was really myself. When I ran, I felt like I was running away from all my troubles. That’s why I love running.

After another ten minutes, Liam and I persuaded the other boys to come running. We went out into the suffocating September air, equipped with hats and sunglasses. It was partially to protect us from the sun, but mostly to protect the boys from being spotted by fans. It felt so relaxing to be running. The last time I ran was actually the day before, when I was running away from bullies, but it already felt like a lifetime ago. Running with people was definitely better than running from people.

“Hey guys, catch me!” I shouted with sudden impulse, picking up my pace. I was ahead of them, but I heard Liam’s footsteps coming closer and close until he finally caught up with me.

“Ha!” He yelled, “Now you come and catch me!”

“I’m going to beat you this time, Liam!” I yelled and sprinted after him. After a few minutes, I started closing up on him.

“HA!” I yelled even louder than he had, jumping on him tackling him on the floor. “GOTCHA!”

“You’re not going to get away that easily!” Liam said as he tickled me until both of us were lying on the floor, completely out of breath.

Five minutes later, I slowly sat up, looking around for the other boys. I saw them in the far distance, walking so slowly that a snail would’ve reached us sooner than they would. I glanced at Liam, and he smiled at me, winking. Our minds were thinking alike. We raced back to the boys, me taking the lead for most of the way, but Liam caught up to me in the last second.

“I hate you!” I said, hitting him playfully. “I was winning!”

“You guys are insane.” Harry groaned in mild annoyance. He was already sitting on the pavement, finishing up his bottle of water.

“Not really,” I said, “You guys could’ve caught up with us if you tried.”

“That’s alright for you to say,” Zayn replied, “I was the one who had to run as fast as I could while carrying a 12-year-old earlier!”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” I said, quietening down with gratefulness. “Thanks, Zayn, by the way.”

“Not a problem.” He said, rumpling my hair. “But can we go back now?”

By the time we got home, it was already 9 o’clock. All were pretty much exhausted. I showered first, before Zayn, and climbed into my bed.

But no, sleep was, as always, not on my side. I sighed deeply.

Maybe if I read, I'll sleep, I thought and grabbed the Harry Potter book from the bedside table and also turned the lamp on.

I was now reading the part when Harry gets the invisibility cloak as Christmas gift. Interesting.

I was completely engrossed in the book and I didn't even heard the my door opening.

"Cheryl?" A raspy voice asked. And it gave me a heart attack.

"Harry," I started. "You shouldn't just say someone's name in the middle of the night, when that someone is so engrossed in a book."

The curly haired boy chuckled. "Well, 1 AM is really not the time to read a book. Why aren't you sleeping?"

This much time has gone?

He was now sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I couldn't sleep." I told him truthfully. "Whenever I sleep, I get nightmares of my father beating, and torturing me. It isn't easy, you know. I'm still afraid, even if he is no more now."

"Oh, come here." He took me in his lap and hugged me. "You shouldn't be scared now. No one's gonna come here to hurt you. Me and the boys are always going to be here, for you, with you."

I sniffed and nodded.

"Do you want me to sleep with you?" He asked.

I once again nodded.

He laid me down on my bed, closing the book and keeping it aside. He then lay down himself, covering us both with my blanket.

"Good Night." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Night." I found myself drifting into sleep.


3rd chapter of the day.

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