Here comes, Hemily!

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Cheryl's POV -

“Say what?” I said loudly.

Cameras started clicking in our faces until my eyes watered with the light.

"How old is she? Since when? Harry! Look over here!”

“We, um, gotta go. Bye!” We jumped onto a cab that came at the exact right time and zoomed away, leaving the desperately curious reporters behind.

“What did you say back there?” I asked, looking at Harry.

“You were my girlfriend! Your name is Emily! Oh no, I screwed up! Someone kill me!” He moaned.

“Oh no no no no no no.” I said. “We’re so dead now.”

We arrived back home after we mutually agreed that what the boys didn’t know yet wouldn’t kill them.

“We’re back!” I said, “And we’re perfectly fine! Everything’s good!”

Niall looked at me weirdly.

“Then why do you look like something is terribly wrong?”

“She does? No, she doesn’t!” Harry cut in. “Everything’s fine!”

Liam looked at us skeptically and started tapping on his phone.

“What are you doing, Liam?” I asked nervously as I rushed behind him to look at the screen on his phone.

“Nothing.” He said off handedly. “Just catching up on the latest celebrity gossip.”

“What!? No!” I tried snatching the phone away from him but he held it away. “OK. Whatever. They’re going to find out anyway.”

I flopped down on the seat next to Liam and put my head on his shoulder tiredly.

He scrolled down until he saw the fatal words.

Harry Styles’ Young Girlfriend.

I read the article with him. So basically I am approximately 13 years old dating the famous Harry Styles. And they got a pretty clear photo of me.

Liam ruffled my hair while he stared intently at his phone. Finally, he asked,

“Who on earth told them that Harry Styles was dating you, Emily?”

Harry fell down onto the floor and ‘died’.

“Meeeeeeeeeeeeee.” He yelled, punching the floor. “What was I thinking?”

“You could’ve said she was a fan, or a friend, or just a stranger on the street. And you said she was your girlfriend!” Louis exclaimed.

“She’s only 12 years old, you know, Harry.” Liam said, breathing heavily. “Think of how much controversy it’ll cause. Can you use your brain for once!”

“Don’t yell at him, please.” I said, putting my hand on Liam’s arm. “At least…I’m still here, aren’t I? And he didn't gave my real name. This can be our cover story or something.”

“No, not at all.” He said, “You can't be Harry’s girlfriend. Even if it is a good story, still I'm not allowing you to 'date'."

“Yeah, Liam is right” Louis said. “We had to think of a good reason."

Suddenly, Harry’s phone started ringing. He looked at it.

"Oh no, it's Daisy." He said, and he 'died' again.

"Pick up the phone mate, or she would do something we will regret later." Liam said.

Eventually Harry picked up her call, and put it on speaker.

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