Prank & its Aftermath

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Cheryl's POV-

First, we asked Niall for the paper bag where they put my fish and chips in. We flipped the bag over and rubbed all the oil over Zayn’s hair and face. For extra effect, we sprinkled some of the extra salt into his perfect hair.

“Ew, that really is disgusting.” I said as we stood back to admire our work.

But that wasn’t it yet.

There was a bathroom just for me in the hospital room, and it gave me an idea.

“You know where we can buy some cling film?” I asked Liam. He nodded. “Can you get some for me? Pretty pretty please?”

He looked suspicious but was nice enough to go out in the night and come back with some cling film for me.

“Thanks, Liam!” I said and gave him a big hug.

Then I tried to get out of bed before I fell down again and banged my head on the bedside table. “Ouch.” I moaned, rubbing my head.

“Are you OK?” Harry asked, concerned. I half-shrugged.

“That’s the place where he kicked me yesterday.” He frowned. “But I’m fine.” I added quickly, then turned to Louis.

“Cover the doorway to the bathroom with this.” I said, handing Louis the roll of cling film. His eyes glinted.

“Nice one, little sis.” He covered up the entire doorway with cling film. To an unsuspicious eye, it wouldn’t look like there was any difference. “Done.”

I thought for a moment.

“Oh wait! Take it down first, I have a better idea.”

“Ugh, I just perfected this!” Louis complained, but did as I said. Being hurt in a hospital has its own advantages, everyone doing as you say being one of them.

I dug into my backpack and found a packet of Lifesavers candy from yesterday’s lunch. (It was Louis who packed my lunch yesterday, so basically I had sugar for lunch.) I found a green one and two white ones, and gave them to Louis.

“Can I have one?” Niall asked, staring at them with bright eyes.

“Nope. It’s for the prank. Louis, unscrew the shower head and shove these inside.” Louis went into the bathroom and did accordingly. We sniggered at the thought of how Zayn would react once he woke up and found out that we ruined his hair, then when he finally gets to shower he’ll just get all sticky.

“One last thing.” Liam narrowed his eyes at me.

“Don’t go too far.” I rolled my eyes.

“Someone is just trying to have fun here.” I said, then pressed the button next to my bed. A nurse came in a few seconds later.

“Could you get me some flour? From the canteen or somewhere.” I asked the nurse. “It helps with the pain.”

The nurse looked disbelieving but she probably didn’t want to start an argument with me and five guys, so she went out and came back a few minutes later with a small cup of flour.

“Anyone wants to help pour some into the hair dryer?”

“Man, you’re wicked, Cheryl.” Harry said, but he did the honors, and filled the hair dryer up with flour.

Afterwards, we cleaned up the bathroom a bit so that it looked normal, and put the cling film back up in the doorway. Then we all sat back down on my bed and waited for Zayn to wake up.

As you all probably know, we waited for a pretty long time.

At last, we couldn’t stand the wait anymore, so we just started shaking Zayn up.

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