No Just No

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Cheryl's POV-

Zayn and I made some chicken for dinner.

“Special chicken. Cause I’m special.” Zayn said. “Want to try and see if it tastes OK? You should get a few bites before Niall does. If he starts eating he could probably finish the whole chicken by himself.”

We took a rest from cooking and ate some of the chicken, chatting easily.

“You do know that we love you, don’t you?” Zayn asked.

“Yeah, but why does everyone seem to be so desperate to prove that to me today? Even Louis is being weirdly nice today.”

“Because we want you to know.” He said unconvincingly. “I love you, Cheryl!” He yelled loudly, and picked me up by my waist.

“What are you doing with my 1-hour girlfriend?” Harry who just walked into the kitchen asked. “She’s mine!”

"Fake 1-hour girlfriend.” I corrected him.

“She’s mine.” Zayn pouted. “May I have this dance?” He put me down on the floor and bowed. I giggled.

“I thought cool kids don’t dance.” I said, taking his hand. “But of course.”

I put my hand on his shoulder and he put his hand on my waist, and we waltzed out of the kitchen. Harry followed us and played some slow music on his phone.

“Give us a twirl!” Niall was watching us. We did accordingly.

We danced around the living room, laughing our heads off. Finally, the song ended and Zayn lifted me into the air by my waist with flourish.

“OI!” A voice suddenly said, and we were caught by surprise. Zayn’s hand let go of me, and I was pulled down by gravity.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I landed on top of Zayn with a thump. “Ouch.”

“Cheryl? Zayn? What were you doing?” Liam asked. I opened my eyes and saw Zayn’s big brown ones centimeters away from me. They were crinkled up in laughter.

“Dancing.” He said, and lifted me away from him. “Slow dancing.”

Liam rolled his eyes while Louis sang in the background.

“But I see you with him slow dancing, tearing me apart cause you don’t see.”

“I thought you were making dinner, you idiots!”

I snapped my fingers. “Right we are, boss.” We went back into the kitchen and continued cooking.

We had dinner, which was a rather dreary affair, because after all that ice cream, no one was really hungry.

After dinner, the boys had to practice their songs. Since they had adopted me, they had barely practiced at all.

They went to the living room to sing, and I went to my bedroom to finish my homework. I opened my blood-drenched backpack for the first time after my accident, and took out my textbooks.

Most of them were alright, but Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone, the book that Zayn gave me the second day I was adopted, had a corner that was soaked with blood. I looked at it, too sad to throw it away. The book would always remind me of the day my life became better. In the end, I just shoved it under my bed. But my backpack was ruined. I had to remind the boys to get a new one.

I restlessly did a bit of Math and wrote an essay for History, but my brain wasn’t really into it. At last, I just gave up and went back to the living room to listen to them sing, bringing my blood-backpack with me.

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