Hating Hospitals

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Cheryl's POV -

“Cheryl!” It felt like I had been out for a week already, but in reality it couldn’t be more than a few seconds. I felt like I was in a dream. A rather painful dream. As my eyelids fluttered open, I could still see the blood stains. Then I concentrated on Louis, and almost killed myself.

He was on his phone with Liam, yelling hysterically with tears streaming down his face. In one hand was a piece of tissue completely drenched in blood. He kept using it to dab up the blood flowing from my wound, but it was no help whatsoever. I’ve never seen anyone look so scared before. Louis looked more frightened than I was for myself.

I winced when he accidently touched my wound. I felt faint seeing so much blood coming out of my body, but I knew I needed to stay awake.

“Louis.” I said weakly, tugging at his hand. He looked at me in surprise.

“She’s awake!” He said into the phone then turned back to me worriedly. “You’ve lost so much blood, babe. I called an ambulance but there’s a traffic jam, so it’ll take a while. Don’t go to sleep, OK?”

I used the remaining of my energy to nod and give Louis a small smile, just to let him know I was alright. He held onto my hand and kissed me on my forehead, exactly the place where he had kicked a few minutes ago. He finally realized that the piece of tissue had been doing no help to stop the blood flowing, so he dumped it, then took off his sweater and pressed that to my wound instead.

“Thanks.” I said, barely audible. I had practically no strength left. I couldn’t even lift my head to look at Louis. I just concentrated on breathing in and breathing out.

An hour passed or maybe it was a few minutes, then the other 4 boys arrived in Liam’s car. They ran towards us. Niall stopped suddenly when he saw all the blood, and looked at me from a distance, a hand over his mouth. Liam came over and immediately lifted Louis’ sweater to see my wound. He let out an audible gasp when he saw it.

“I’m glad you’re still alive, Cheryl . It’s a miracle.” He said shakily. Zayn leaned over to take a look, and an expression of horror crossed his face.

“Does it hurt?” He asked me. I didn’t even have the strength or heart to shake my head. “You’re so brave!”

Harry came over with a sad face. He took my other hand in his and pressed it to his cheeks. A few drops of blood was wiped onto his cheek. He looked at my wrist with a pained look on his face.

“He did that to you just now?” He asked me in a toneless voice. When I didn’t answer him, he knew his assumptions were correct.

Soundlessly, he rose and joined Niall and stood there in the distance. I knew what was happening. They were crying again but they just didn’t want me to know.

Soon, I heard the sound of an ambulance coming. Those medical people came over and shoved Liam, Louis and Zayn out of the way, and started tending to me.

“No.” I said weakly, reaching out for Louis’ hand. He ignored those people’s commands and held on to my hand as they cleaned me up. Afterwards they put me on a stretcher and brought me into the ambulance.

“They’re coming, aren’t they?” I asked a man in a white coat.

“Yes, they can come.” He said, so I felt relieved. It felt safer with them by my side.

All five boys crowded onto the ambulance and we journeyed to a hospital.

“Niall.” I said. He looked at me with terrified eyes. “I’m going to be OK.” Saying each word felt like another stab in the stomach.

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