I Miss You

326 18 15

Cheryl's POV-

I missed them already.

I had been sitting on the plane for five minutes, and I missed them already. Seriously. The plane had just taken off, and I was staring glumly at the view beneath me. It was rather interesting, seeing buildings grow smaller and smaller while seeing clouds up close. But these things couldn’t tear me away from the aching feeling in my heart.

“Coffee or tea?” A flight attendant had just appeared, holding two pitchers in her hand. I randomly picked one.

“Tea please, thanks.” I watched her pouring tea in my mug.

The boys were gone, even their girlfriends wouldn’t be here. I was literally all alone for this 11 hours.

It was all like when Reggie left the orphanage.

I took a magazine and flipped through it without really concentrating.

Blah blah Taylor Swift blah blah, I flipped the page. I don’t care about Taylor Swift.

Blah blah Miley blah blah Wrecking Ball, I flipped the page again.

Blah blah One Direction blah.

Wait, what? I concentrated on the article.

Liam Payne let slip that One Direction would be breaking up soon. They want to have their own careers, and not be tied up with their fellow band members.

Apparently Liam had said that One Direction weren’t friends anymore, and that the boys were all tired of singing. And that Niall is thinking of a career as a cook, Harry is planning the go solo, and Louis wants to go out of the country to learn skydiving. Skydiving. Well, at least these people have imagination.

I stopped reading their lies and instead concentrated on the photo. It was from their photo shoot a few weeks ago----the one where Niall had to wear that too small leather jacket.

They were all smiling happily, making me feel depressed. I closed the magazine, then took a book from my bag. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I opened it to the first page and started reading.

The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane.

I read on and on, only pausing occasionally to take a sip of tea. I only stopped when I finished the entire book. I looked at my watch. Only 3 hours had passed. How could I only been on this plane for 3 hours? It seemed like eternity.

Luckily, dinner came, so I could distract myself for fifteen minutes. I swallowed a few mouthfuls of what tasted remarkably like plastic, then resumed to staring out of the window, wondering what the boys were doing right now.

I think I must’ve drifted off. The next time I opened my eyes, the plane was already descending and I could faintly see some buildings below me.

“Passengers, please fasten your seatbelts. The plane will land in ten minutes.” I watched as America grew nearer, then we landed and we were in America.

I unfastened my seatbelt, grabbed my bag and got out of the plane uncertainly. I walked through this tunnel thing, then I was in the lobby. I copied what the other passengers were doing, and retrieved my suitcase.

After a few minutes, I was in the lobby, feeling lost. The airport was so big, and I knew no one. I didn’t even know who was picking me up. I flipped my phone around and around in my hand, wanting to call the boys but knowing that there was time difference meaning they probably wouldn’t even be awake.

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