The First Concert

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Cheryl's POV -

As we drove off leaving a rather puzzled Lily behind, I asked Louis urgently,
"What is it? Are one of guys hurt?"

"Nope." He replied while concentrating on the road. "We have a concert tonight, but we forgot about it until just now."

"Oh." I said, feeling relieved. At least the boys are OK.

"The concert is in fifteen minutes." He added.

"Oh no!" Maybe I shouldn't have felt that relieved after all. "What are you going to do about me then?"

"Shove you in a rubbish bin, duh!" Louis replied. I must've looked very taken aback, because he quickly said,
"I'm just kidding! Our plan is we invited a fan to go backstage to watch us perform, and after the show she gets to hang out with us."

"So I'm the fan?" I asked, more of a statement than a question.

"Uh huh." Louis nodded.

After ten minutes of Louis driving way past the speed limit, we arrived at the arena where the boys would be performing. Louis took me backstage, where I was introduced to the people there as the lucky fan.

At last, there was a beep signaling that the boys should get onstage. I hugged the boys and wished them good luck, then I sat down on the floor by the stage where I was hidden from the audience by curtains, and watched my first ever One Direction concert.

First, the boys sang some songs that I knew, like Best Song Ever, but then they started singing a zillion of other 1D songs that I didn't recognize. I think I was the only one person in the arena that didn't know the songs. Everyone else was singing along. And I was supposed to be their sister!

The concert was going pretty well, then the boys started fooling around. While Niall was singing his solo, Louis took a bottle of water and mimed pouring it over Niall's head. That made the crown scream loudly. Then Louis actually opened the bottle of water and was walking over to Niall. I almost wanted to yell out a warning but stopped myself just in time. I watched while Louis emptied the entire bottle of H2O on Niall, soaking him. The audience roared with laughter, and Louis looked over and winked at me. I looked back at him disapprovingly.

And that was only the start. A few songs later, a fan threw a bag of carrots at Louis. Louis caught it and started opening the bag, but Zayn got there first and snatched the bag out of Louis' hands. Louis started chasing Zayn, and Zayn threw the bag at Liam. That was the start of a five-minute chase. Finally, Louis pounced on Harry, who was holding the bag at the moment, and snatched the bag from him.

"Woohoo!" Louis yelled like a maniac he is, and started swing the bag around above his head like a cowboy's leash. A few carrots few out of them bag and hit Louis' head. Louis pretended to die comically, leaving the audience in laughter. I sighed at him.

It didn't stop there. The next song was Gotta Be You. But from the way Harry sang it, the song might as well have been called Big Brown Poo or Wrong Size Shoe. The audience roared with laughter every time Harry changed the lyrics, and even I couldn't contain my laughter. But all the way the boys kept straight faces while they were singing. I don't even know how they did that.

After another few songs came a break. The boys came in to sit down and take a 1-minute rest while Niall went to change out of his soaked clothes.

"So, how did we do?" Zayn asked.

"Well, you acted the same way you do at home..." But I was cut off by Liam. Liam raised his voice and said.

"What a big fan you are! Thank you so much!" Then he whispered into my ear.

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