Secrets To Keep

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Cheryl's POV -

After two more hours, the rest of the boys came back. I went down to meet them.

“Hi, Cheryl.” Niall came over and hugged me. “I missed you.”

“Um, I saw you a few hours ago.” I said, but still hugged back.

“I still miss you.” I pulled away from him, just to see Louis and Harry looking at me with meaningful expressions on their face.

“Hey.” The two of them said at the same time. “Can you come up to my room? I want to talk to you about…someone.” They stared at each other.

“Who?” Liam asked, puzzled.

“Uh…” I said, glancing between Louis and Harry. “I’ll talk to Louis first.”

Louis grabbed my hand and literally pulled me up to his room.

“Lalala, I have a girlfriend!” He sang, dancing around the room and jumping on his bed. I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Seriously? You just met her today.”

“I know, but we just...clicked.” OK, he just reminded me of Lily. “She’s a really nice girl, once I got to know her. She can be so charming, like Harry sometimes, but she can still be very sweet and kind.”

“Harry who?” I asked, as a boy with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and glasses flashed across my mind.

“You brother, you know, Harry Styles? Hello?” I shook my head, trying to clear Harry Potter out of it.

“Oh.” I paused for a while. “Then why don’t you go along and announce this happy news to the other boys?”

“Um…” Louis looked uncomfortable, fidgeting around. “The thing is, I kinda promised the guys something. My last girlfriend was terrible. She, sorry if it’s cheesy, broke my heart, so the boys made me promise not to date for at least three months. So I could rethink who’s actually good for me, and not make the same mistakes. Same Mistakes, get it?”

I ignored his question. “And how many months has it been now?”

“Around one and a half?” He answered. “It was a few days before we adopted you.”

“Wow.” I said, distracted. “I’ve been with you guys for a month and a half only? It seems like it’s been forever!”

“I know, right? I can’t imagine not having you here. I’ve grown used to it.”

“Cheryl!” Harry hollered from downstairs. “Are you and Louis done talking yet?”

I looked at Louis, who nodded his head. He opened his bedroom door for me.

“Just don’t tell anyone, OK?”

I sighed. “Are you a hundred percent sure about this? You promised your brothers, I mean friends, you know.”

The boys are all my brothers but they are not actually each other’s brothers, so it’s a bit weird. I know it’s complicated.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He waved at me. “Good bye!”

I walked to the kitchen where Harry was.

“Hello, sis!” He said. “Ashlyn and I got you a present!”

“Really?” I asked excitedly, then frowned. “What for?”

“For keeping our secret, of course! You didn’t tell anyone, did you?”

“Nope.” I replied. “So, what’s the present?”

Harry produced a little blue box tied with a piece ribbon from his pocket. He handed it to me and I received it with trembling hands.

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