Stage Fright

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Cheryl's POV -

The talent show came faster than any of us would’ve expected. Monday passed with nothing special, and on Tuesday I got a phone call from an unexpected person.

“Hello?” I was trying to do my homework, drink water and answer the phone at the same time, and the result was I answered the phone but the water spilled all over my homework. I dabbed at it with another piece of homework.

“Hey Cheryl, its Ashlyn here.”

“Ashlyn?” I was surprised.

“Yup, it’s me. Just wanted to wish you good luck on the talent show this Friday. I wasn’t really meant to tell you, but I’ll be watching.”

“Oh. Why?”

“I used to study in Avery Laurel’s when I was younger. Even though I only stayed there for year, I still love this school. I’ll be coming back to visit on Friday, and watch you sing.”

“Promise me something, will you? No matter how bad I do, do not tell Harry. I don’t want all the boys laughing at me.”

“You’ll be great, hun. I’m sure you will. Even Harry thinks you’re OK.”

I laughed. “Thanks for the encouragement, but I’m sure Harry has never heard me sing, or any other boys for that matter.”

“Yes he has. You sing in the shower sometimes, so once Zayn called in all the boys to hear you, he told me.”

I blushed red even though Ashlyn couldn’t see me. “Now I’m going to remember to never ever sing at home again, not even in the shower. I’m so scared of the talent show right now, the girls have high expectations, and I’ve never even been on a stage before! I’m so going to mess up.”

“Don’t always think about the worst, it’ll just make you even more nervous. If you ever need some good advice, better go to your brothers. They’re the ones who’ve sang in a few thousand concerts, you know.”

“Yeah, I probably should talk to them. What time is it?”

“Ten at night here.”

“Thanks. I’ll call them now. It was good talking, Ash, can’t wait to see you this Friday.”

“You too. Good luck, bye.”

After she hung up, I dabbed away most of the water that was soaked into my homework, and called Boo Bear.

“Hello!” He said excitedly when the call got through.

“Hello!” I said equally excitedly, then became serious. “You know about the talent show this Friday? I’m so scared. I’ve never performed to anyone before. What if I mess up, or forget the lyrics? I don’t want to let the girls down, especially not after all that they’ve done for me. How do you deal with having a concert every other night? You must live in constant fear.”

“Nah. Performing is a kind of thing you can get used to really easily. My advice is to just be yourself, and if you mess up, laugh at yourself.” He paused as if thinking. “Oh, and it might be good to make a fool of yourself, the fans always like it.”

“Louis that is not good advice!” A very familiar voice said in the background, and I laughed. I waited while they fought over the phone, and finally Liam answered. “Don’t listen to Louis, you’re not One Direction and you’ll just get jeered at if you mess up. My advice is you should try the best you can, and keep thinking that you can do it. Because you can.”

“Liam that is the most boring advice ever.” Louis said loudly.

“Anyways, just do your best, OK? I’m sure they’ll love you, and you’re so smart, you won’t mess up.”

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