Complicated Love

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Cheryl's POV -

The next morning, I met the Iris, Zayn’s girlfriend. She came here because she and Zayn already haven’t seen each other for a few weeks, so she decided to drop by to visit. She was really nice too. She was very funny and sweet, but the thing is Zayn just kinda ignored her the entire time she was here. I actually think Iris usually spends more time with the other boys then Zayn.

“Hi Iris!” Was all Zayn said before he returned to his phone, where he was playing a game.

“Come on, Zayn!” Liam hissed into his ear. “Can’t you at least pay a little attention to her? I’ll take away your phone if you don’t!”

“Fine!” He said, and he started talking to Iris while the rest of us went to Niall’s room to do nothing. Everything was going peacefully, until suddenly the voices downstairs were raised.

“It’s not like it matters, does it?” It was Zayn.

“Yes, of course it does! How can this be a good relationship when you’re with other girls too?”

I looked at the boys and we crept downstairs quietly like spies.

“I’m sorry, OK? I didn’t mean it. It’ll never happen again.”

“That’s what you say every time, Zayn! And you never keep your word! I trusted you, but I’m not sure I can now!” There was the slam of the door then silence. After that came some kicking and swearing in Zayn’s part.

“Stop it, mate.” Harry said, clamping his hand over Zayn’s mouth. “Cheryl’s still here, you know. Watch what you say.”

“Why. Do. Girls. Have. To. Be. So. Annoying.” Zayn yelled, aiming a kick at the wall after every word.

“Calm down, mate. It was your fault after all.” Louis said, patting him on the back.

“What happened?” I asked.

The boys pushed Zayn down on a chair and he finally calmed down a bit.

“So basically she finds out that I’ve been hanging out with a few girls. And she gets mad. And leaves. End of story.”

“But…you do love Iris, do you?”

“Yes I do. But she thinks that if I hang around someone else, I don’t like her.”

“Then why do you still do it? If you truly love Iris, then, you know, concentrate on her! Don’t go out with anyone else!”

Zayn sighed. “It’s not that easy, you know. And besides Cheryl, why are you even giving me advice? You’re 12 years old.”

“I just know people well, I guess.” I said. “Anyways, let Iris calm down, then call her, OK? You need to take action to save your relationship.”

“Yeah, mate.” Niall said. “She’s the good sort. Don’t lose her just like that.”

“Make up with her later, OK? And just concentrate on Iris only, not others.”

“I know. Thanks, guys, I’ll do it.” Zayn said.

That evening, all of us went out to eat with Ruby. We found a modest restaurant nearby, so we ate there, thinking there was a lower possibility that someone would notice us. Ruby and Liam talked happily, acting like they were on a date while the rest of us were still sitting next to them.

“You’re looking gorgeous today, babe.” Liam said, smiling at Ruby.

“Thanks. You’re not looking bad yourself.” She replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear like they do in the movies.

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