Louis The Superman

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Cheryl's POV-

It was him, and even worse, Lily was right next to me. I freaked out. What if I got her hurt?

“You’re still alive and well, girl?” He asked, cackling with laughter. He reached his hand out and put it around my throat.

“Yes, I am. Guess you were too weak you kill me, huh?” My right hand was unsuccessfully trying to pry his hand off me, and my left hands was gesturing for Lily to go away. She got it, and ran out the school grounds.

Hopefully to get some help.

I concentrated back on my current situation.

“I’m. Not. Weak.” He growled. He tightened his grip around my neck.

“But you certainly act like you are.” I shot back at him. I knew I was getting him angrier and that he might become more dangerous, but I was fuming too. It was this stupid idiot who made me need to go to boarding school. I hated him for that more than I hated him for sticking a knife right into my stomach.

“How dare you.” He hissed, face right up to mine. I have to admit I was feeling pretty terrified then, but I wasn’t finished.

“Yes. I dare.” I replied, voice shaking.

Oh please, Lily go and get Louis, I willed inside my head.

“And you’re going to pay for it.” In one swift movement, he took a knife out of his pocket.

It was smaller than the one last time, but just as deadly. I gulped, glancing around to see if Lily and Louis had appeared yet. Nope.

“You wouldn’t dare.” I said, playing for more time. “We’re still inside the school. What if a teacher just happened to walk past…you’d be in jail before you could say One Direction.”

He looked around nervously, checking to see that there was really no one around. Unfortunately for me, there was no one.

“Oh yeah? You think I’m scared, you stupid girl?” He suddenly grasped my hair and yanked my head up. “You’re the one who should be scared.”

“Well, I’m not.” I fumbled around, trying to get the knife from his hands, but he held it away from me.

“If you want the knife, I’ll give it to you.” He jeered. I so stupidly held out my hand, but he swept the knife pass it. I quickly yanked my hand back.

There was a streak of blood. The cut looked pretty deep. I hid my pain from him.

“Wow. That really hurt. Not. If that’s the best you can do, then you don’t stand a chance against me. Let me go, you idiot!” I struggled against him, but lost. He held the knife threateningly near my neck.  I saw it glinting wickedly from the corner of my eyes.

“Take back your words!” His spit hit my cheeks. I scrunched up my face in disgust.

“No.” I said stubbornly.

He glared at me, a glare that reminded me so vividly of my mom. It was then that I started feeling scared.

He pressed the knife to my neck, gently at first, so it was only rubbing against me. I could feel the cold metal, and I shivered. Then he pressed down harder, breaking the skin.

“Hey you idiot!” I heard high-pitched, super loud yelling. I grinned, despite the situation I was in.

Louis was here.

He would save me yet again. Though I didn’t want him to save me right now. There was still stuff I haven’t said to this idiot.

I opened my mouth to shoot some more angry remarks at my uncle, but his eyes were on Louis, and not me. He looked a little shocked when he saw Louis, so his grip on the knife loosened. I took that moment to slip away from him, and stood a bit to the side as I watched the scene unfold. He started towards me, but Louis ran in between us.

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