Tearful Farewells

397 18 14

Cheryl's POV -

The rest of the week passed by in a blur. It went by so fast I had almost no memory of anything. Before I knew it, it was Wednesday, and I was in my room, packing.

"You need any help?" Harry asked, coming into my room and sitting on the edge of my bed. I shook my head, but quickly changed my mind and nodded. Harry came and sat down on the floor next to me.

"It's OK. I've packed thousands of times before, it's not really that hard." He said, and walked over to my closet.

"You don't need that many clothes, just bring some warm clothes and pack some boots and Converses, so your suitcase won't be that heavy." He picked a few sweaters from my closet and threw them at me. I shoved them along with my combat boots into my suitcase, then laughed shakily.

"You think I really care about whether my suitcase is heavy or not?" Harry chuckled softly too and came over, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on top of my head.

"Everything is happening so fast right now, isn't it? You'll be on the plane to America in two days, a week later, there'll be 1D day, then the album will come out, and a few months later, we'll be on the road again, doing our Where We Are tour."

I nodded, tears already halfway down my face.

"I really can't believe I won't be with you guys anymore. I just can't. Every time I think about it my heart hurts."

"It's only a month, darling."

"Still. A month is a long, long time. I just got used to here being home."

"It'll always be home, Cheryl. In your heart."

He rocked me back and forth while I cried desperately. Packing up made it seem ten times more real. It really was happening, so quick. In two days I won't even be here, and won't be coming back for a month. One freaking month.

"Shush, Cheryl. It's not as bad as you make of it. Think on the bright side!"

"There is no bright side." I mumbled, wiping my eyes on his T-shirt.

"Of course there is. You might make some nice pen pals in America. You can learn lots more, like about American culture."

"I don't care about lame American culture. I want you." Harry patted my head and pulled me away from him.

"You will always have us." He said solemnly. "Always."

I turned away from him, trying to compose myself. It was partly true. They would still be there in my heart. But somehow I still wish they could be there, physically, not just mentally. I wiped away my tears, calming down.

"Right." I said, turning back to Harry with eyes still slightly watery. "I should continue packing now, or I'll never get it done."

"Want me to stay here?" He offered. I shook my head.

"I'll be fine by myself." He gave me an encouraging smile and left.

I sullenly picked up a leather jacket and tossed it into my suitcase. Then I randomly picked out a few pairs of jeans and threw them in too. Accessories...I decided to bring my cat necklace, the Zayn quote bracelet and of course, my charm bracelet. I slipped the charm bracelet onto my wrist, watching the baseball cap and the BFF charm sparkling in the light.

I also decided to take the velvet box with me, which contains the precious bracelet Maddie had given. I definitely can't forget that.

I was rummaging around the back of closet when I came across something leather with studs over it. I pulled it out. It was the backpack that was covered in blood. I looked at it, thinking of Louis.

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