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Cheryl's POV -

“Cheryl can stay.”

“Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!” Louis screamed and started jumping on the sofa, picking me up by my waist and swinging me around. When he finally released me, I hugged him tightly, making it hard for both of us to breathe. I exchanged a series of hugs with the boys, my brain hardly processing what had happened. I hadn’t noticed that I had let out the breath I had been holding in for almost a minute. The relief I felt when Simon said those words was too amazing to describe. He confirmed my future happiness, and I couldn’t appreciate that enough.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I gushed, wanting to throw my arms over Simon as well.

“You are very welcome.” He nodded stiffly. “But I haven’t finished yet. She can stay—but on one condition. You’ll have to promise to stick to my rules in order for her to stay.”

“We don’t care what the rules are!” Louis rolled his eyes. “State them, mister.”

“You, and I mean all six of you, must follow every single one of my orders. I might need Cheryl to go to some publicity events, or for you to all travel somewhere to attract media attention. Whatever I say, you must follow. Clear?”

“Yes, boss!” Niall saluted. We were all too happy, any rules didn’t seem important to us.

“And other than that, I need you to show me that you are up for this responsibility. Even I even see one evidence showing that she is distracting you from your career, she’ll have to go. One of the things you may want to start doing is be punctual on every event.” Simon gave them a stern look.

“We will, Uncle Simon.” Liam said earnestly. “I myself will make sure of that.”

“Well, if you do promise, I think this discussion can come to an end. Cheryl,” Simon addressed me directly for the first time. I jumped in surprise.

“Y-yes?” I stuttered.

“I think you might in fact have a positive effect on the boys’ life. Take their attention away from their popularity for a while, you know. I hope that you don’t think that I dislike you, because I don’t. I’m just thinking of the boys’ future. And now, you are their future. Don’t disappoint me.”

“I won’t, I swear on Niall’s toes.” I said quickly. 
“Don’t!” Niall screeched, punching my shoulder. “I want my toes!”

“Niall.” Simon said to him sternly. “Rule number one: I forbid you to hit the girl. I need her alive and well, or else the media will be talking. Even one bruise on her wrist matters. Don’t let that happen.”

“I wasn’t hitting her!” Niall protested. “We were playing! Look, I’m gonna hit her again,” He punched in again, “See? She doesn’t mind!”

“I forgive you for the first punch, but the second one hurt, Niall.” I grumbled, rubbing my shoulder. Simon raised his eyebrows.

“But it’s alright. I forgive you.” I added in a rush.

“And I apologize for that, princess, love ya forever.” Niall enveloped him in a hug and we glanced at Simon, whose eyebrows were still raised at an alarming angle.

“I won’t send Cheryl away on the first day, Niall, no need for the act.”

“That wasn’t an act.” Niall said innocently. “I really do love her.”

“We all do.” Liam added, coming over to my side.

“I can see that.” Simon’s eyes softened. “I really can. You do love her.”

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